The letter we sent to President Trump. Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.

article 6

Mister President if you haven’t reviewed Barr’s memo to RR, I would urge you to do so. In the meantime, I will provide you with a summary. You are the sole executive in the Executive branch & all authority emanates from you. All of your subordinates are extensions of yourself, hence as intended by the founding fathers, you are accountable for their actions. You are also the chief law enforcement official. You cannot obstruct justice by exercising the powers of your office, even by directing investigations that you have a personal stake in. There is one caveat to that, however, by doing so, you may be guilty of the charge of abuse of power & can be impeached. You are the Executive Branch of our government, solely accountable to the people, there are no other elected officials in the Executive Branch. I was troubled by a statement of Barr’s at his hearing before the Senate’s committee. Just prior to his troubling statement he pontificated at length that in order for the citizenry to have confidence in our justice system, the Justice Department must treat all equally before the law. Then just minutes later, he advocates for a two-tier justice system, one for the political class & one for the masses. 

Mister President, the sword of authority cuts both ways, I take no pleasure in reporting the following: There is the wastage of the taxpayer’s resources, both the DOS & DOJ are guilty of sending lawyers to defend Hillary Clinton in the courtroom. It is as if she is pulling the levers of power. There is the obstruction of the Congress’ mandate of oversite. RR has refused to provide documents to the House Republicans in 2018 or even to appear for questioning after his 2018 summer appearance. Your DOJ is carrying forward the sins of President Obama’s DOJ in that the DOJ is also running a two-tier Justice Department. The people that support you are filled with rage. After you read the transcript of HRC’s FBI interview & told the press that you had read it & she lied repeatedly, you did yourself no favors. Your daily tweets about “what about them” they lied to Congress & FBI agents also, but nothing was done. If the statute of limitations hasn’t run out, then that’s on you, Mister President.

On to the good news. Mueller admitted in his court filing on Roger Stone that you or your campaign did not conspire with WikiLeaks or Russia. See my memo> If Mueller was going to manufacture evidence he would have done that long ago, & he cannot now because of that admission in Stone’s indictment. Have you noticed that not one Democrat in Congress has clamored for Mueller to publish his report so they can get on to the business of impeaching you? All of them say the investigation must continue. That’s why Schiff opened new ones. The internal polling at the DNC shows better odds of you winning than losing. By keeping a cloud over you, they are practicing the handicapping that takes place at horse races when they add weight to a horses load. The cloud is the DNC’s handicapping of you. Ever faithful, Mark Pullen 2/11/2019

William Barr’s statement.

These three pages from William Barr’s memo, we judge as the most relevant to the Special Counsel’s investigation.