The heavy cross I bear.

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I am [beset] with dark foreknowledge of what is to come. Yesterday, Scott Adams was certain the powers-at-be will allow the people to elect Donald Trump to a second term. Adams was certain that Biden would resign two years into his presidency. I knew with absolute certainty that Biden lied that he wouldn’t seek a second term. Therefore, I knew Biden would not resign. I told all of this to Scott Adams. Adams, being a mere mortal with all of the [frailties] that come with mortality, namely pride, has chosen not to heed my counsel of what is to come to be.

The fact that Trump is the [reincarnation] of Adolf Hitler in many election officials’ eyes means we will see a repeat of the 2020 election rigging results. The Democrats have become so emboldened that they have openly called for the murder of Donald Trump. Rigging an election comes with far less risk than murder.

Even if by some miracle Trump isn’t imprisoned, isn’t assassinated, hasn’t the election stolen once again from him, a Trump presidency will only [forestall] the [inevitable] evil that is to come. We all saw what evils were possible in just two years after Trump’s presidency. I don’t need to list the evils that have been normalized, do I? I will happily eat crow if the passage of time proves me wrong.

For at least six decades it has been apparent to those willing to look with unbiased eyes that the federal government is a criminal organization. It is time for a national divorce. If I had influence over the Red State governors, I would recommend the following:

The Red States shall set up ports of entry on all roads that border the blue states. Commerce from the blue states shall be charged a fee of no less than $500 to cross the territories of the Red States. A Visa fee of no less than $50 shall be imposed on all blue state citizens. The duration of the $50 Visa shall be 24 hours. Any blue state citizen found to be without a valid Visa will be imprisoned for no less than two years if that citizen can’t pay the $10,000 fine. Visas shall be $50 for each day of visitation.

All federal law enforcement shall be expelled from the Red States. All the federal courts shall be shut down in the Red States. All federal employees shall be expelled and their property seized by the state government.

Those Red States with nuclear weapons will protect the other Red States by targeting Washington DC.

All tax revenue to the federal government shall be blocked. The Red States shall assume the costs of Healthcare and Social Security.

No federal government employee shall enter a Red State except with permission from the governor. Any federal government employee who enters a Red State without the permission of the governor shall be held in prison until a fine of one million dollars is paid. After a year of imprisonment, the federal employee shall be executed.

All drug addicts and all people with a felony record shall be expelled from the Red States.

All military personnel shall become Red State employees and all military equipment shall be seized by the Red States. All military personnel who will not swear their allegiance to the Red State Union shall have all their assets seized in the Red States and be expelled.

No Red State shall export foodstuffs to blue states unless the other Red States have been satisfied with their needs and there isn’t an export market to other countries.

All registered Democrat Party voters shall be placed on a watch list. Those people shall not hold any positions in the Red States’ military or government. No registered Democrat is permitted to vote in their lifetime under the penalty of imprisonment for no less than five years and all of their assets shall be seized by the Red State.

Kentucky has Fort Knox. The Red State Union shall establish a monetary gold standard for the Red State Union. All fees from blue states shall be paid in the equivalent of dollars in gold. The Red State Union does through this divorce absolve itself of any debts that the federal government owes.

Written by Mark Pullen.