Raskin is inciting future murders and mayhems.

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Raskin told that same dangerous lie that Biden told at every opportunity that got people murdered, disfigured, and their homes set on fire. The "Very fine people" hoax is the most dangerous political lie in this country's history. The claim is that then-President Trump called Nazis that marched in Charlottesville very fine people. It was a deviously edited video clip that made Trump appear to be praising the Nazis. The transcript portion and the sentence that was left out in Raskin's video clip shown below. BREAKING: Trump defense team destroys the Charlottesville fine people hoax pic.twitter.com/GZwDd89Ivv— Jack…

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Biden’s anti-Semitic lie invites murders

Biden stated as a fact that the President said [sic] Neo-Nazis are very fine people. In doing so, Biden targeted all of those who would vote for President Trump for murder. Of course, Biden was lying. In this article, you will see the proof that Biden lied. On a personal note, I hold all the Biden family members accountable, as well as, all of the campaign staff members.  Below is the full transcript. I highlighted the relevant parts. I was appalled how the reporters were so disrespectful to the President in the way they kept interrupting him.…

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