Biden’s anti-Semitic lie invites murders

Biden stated as a fact that the President said [sic] Neo-Nazis are very fine people. In doing so, Biden targeted all of those who would vote for President Trump for murder. Of course, Biden was lying. In this article, you will see the proof that Biden lied. On a personal note, I hold all the Biden family members accountable, as well as, all of the campaign staff members.  Below is the full transcript. I highlighted the relevant parts. I was appalled how the reporters were so disrespectful to the President in the way they kept interrupting him.…

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The inevitability of leftist’s march

There is a method to the Terrorist-Democrats' madness. President Trump alone stands in the breach against the spread of the Democrats' terrorism. High taxes and a high crime rate are meant to push the Democratic voters to red states from blue states. These migrations are turning red states blue because these voters don't change their beliefs. The Democrats have incorporated violence to accelerate the transformation of the nation. This violence is also meant to discourage Republicans from voting in person or by mail.  Most voters have realized if they vote by mail, it will be known how they…

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Biden is a second-tier racist.

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Biden's id-[subconscious] has been screaming at us for years that he's a racist. Those gaffes are Biden's id telling us of his true nature. Biden is the second worst kind of a racist in that he believes people of color are inferior and must be attended to in order for them to prosper. We all know Biden meant brown kids instead of poor kids. This was Biden's attempt to cheer on brown children to strive beyond his perceived limitations of them. We see Biden try in vain to cover-up what his id blurted out in the following video…

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