President Brandon is lying about fuel prices.

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President Brandon said he can't do anything about the rising fuel prices. That's not true. In fact, the high prices we are experiencing are by design as part of his plan. Brandon was transparent about his plans to cripple America during the campaign cycle. "I promise you, I will end fossil fuels."-Candidate Brandon. Candidate Brandon made this pledge to a woman in early 2020. On the debate stage, Brandon said if elected, he would end fracking for the production of oil and natural gas. While it's true that fuels are sold on the commodity market, our presidents…

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The facts and just the facts of the Rittenhouse case.

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Firstly, contrary to what the liars on television are saying, Rittenhouse did NOT cross the state's line with a firearm. This fact was shown in the courtroom. This shooting incident was NOT racially motivated. All of the people that Rittenhouse shot were white men. Rittenhouse is not a white supremacist. The media and the D.A.'s office had a year's time to pour over what Rittenhouse had said and what he had written. No evidence was introduced in the courtroom that Rittenhouse is a racist. Moreover, the media in tandem with the Democrats labeled Rittenhouse as a white…

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Confirmed; Biden’s presidency is a puppet presidency.

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Biden told Anderson Cooper he would defend Taiwan militarily from China. After the town hall meeting ended Business Insider reported; "The US defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act," the spokesperson told reporters.Who is the unnamed spokesperson? In effect, the spokesperson from the White House told the reporters Joe Biden wasn't authorized to make the decision to defend Taiwan. From the Washington Examiner; “There has been no shift. The president was not announcing any change in our policy. Nor has he made a decision to change our policy,” press secretary Jen Psaki told…

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Observations of Trump’s presidency.

I will share what I saw just minutes after Donald Trump took the oath of the presidency. But first, some house cleaning. The Left labeled Trump as a Nazi dictator. President Trump never implemented a directive that a court ruled was unconstitutional. Whereas, Biden has defied the Supreme Court's ruling twice in implementing two unconstitutional directives. The Supreme Court never ruled any of Trump's directives were racist. However, the Supreme Court did rule Biden's intention to give federal aid solely based on the color of people's skin was racist. Ergo, Biden was making a conscious decision to…

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Scott Adams’ dogs that aren’t barking.

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On Coffee with Scott Adams {YouTube 7 am PST}; Mr. Adams endeavors to instruct and inform. Among the things Mr. Adams instructs his viewers to notice are those dogs that aren't barking. The things Mr. Adams points out are those things that go unnoticed by most, but once seen, it is impossible to be unseen. The dogs that have fallen silent after the election could fill a kennel. I will name just a few of the dogs that aren't barking.Be ye forewarned if you should dare to view Coffee with Scott Adams, don't eat or drink during…

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Raskin is inciting future murders and mayhems.

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Raskin told that same dangerous lie that Biden told at every opportunity that got people murdered, disfigured, and their homes set on fire. The "Very fine people" hoax is the most dangerous political lie in this country's history. The claim is that then-President Trump called Nazis that marched in Charlottesville very fine people. It was a deviously edited video clip that made Trump appear to be praising the Nazis. The transcript portion and the sentence that was left out in Raskin's video clip shown below. BREAKING: Trump defense team destroys the Charlottesville fine people hoax— Jack…

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Impeachment, what is it good for?

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I watched in astonishment at the public display of the Impeachment managers' idiocy. They said if they didn't impeach our past President, Donald Trump, he will escape accountability. The constitution calls for impeaching a President for high crimes and misdemeanors. It has been more than enough time for the Department of Justice to have the opportunity to charge a private citizen, Donald Trump, for a crime that incited that throng to invade the Capitol building. I won't belabor it any further, the reason for impeaching a President is because Presidents enjoy immunity while in office from any…

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Secret communications with President Trump.

This mysterious being from the Milky Way galaxy doesn't speak any of the languages that the natives to this planet speak. It is a testament to President Trump's intelligence that every word communicated by this being was understood by President Trump. This being is housed in a secure area behind a wall. Only one government official has continuing contact with this being from the Milky Way galaxy. President Trump has had this being from the Milky Way galaxy communicate with him no less than seventy times in the last year alone. This Milky Way galaxy inhabitant has…

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My views on Trump, Biden, and the presidential election results.

I will start with Joe Biden. I am on solid ground to write that Joe Biden is a liar, is a plagiarizer, is grossly uninformed, and he is so far in his mental decline that he can't remember important facts and figures. Even more disturbing, there are videos of him touching little girls inappropriately. It's no surprise to me that Joe Biden has shown a total lack of ethics during the election cycle, after all, Joe Biden did cheat his way through law school. And then, he bragged that he was at the top of his class,…

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Nancy Pelosi’s nuclear weapons rhetoric is laughable.

It is increasingly difficult to take Pelosi seriously as the Speaker of the House. Pelosi said of her salon visit that the owner had set her up. Just the other day Pelosi made the public admission that she had spoken to General Milley about her concern about President Trump's ability to launch a nuclear strike. General Milley assured Pelosi that safeguards were in place. How could Pelosi not know this fact? A brief history lesson: Not since President Truman has a president had the authority to command a nuclear strike on his lone volition. Truman did this…

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What did the Democrats expect after what they had done?

Firstly, don't be too hard on Mike Pence. Pence's hands were tied constitutionally to accept the elector's votes from the contested states once the House and the Senate had voted to accept the elector's votes. Pence had no choice but to record those votes. It was too far in the system's process for Pence to act. Moreover, if Pence hadn't accepted the elector's votes, the Supreme Court would have ruled Pence's actions as unconstitutional. I believe that the Democrats were hoping that Pence would reject those elector's votes so they could begin litigation against Pence. When I…

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President Trump, prepare to implement operation Wildfire.

President Trump, after much consideration, I have expanded operation Wildfire to include [ redacted ]. I submitted the initial plan to you in the spring of 2019. In the light of all of the death threats from politicians and celebrities to you and your family members, I added a [ redacted ] component to Wildfire.Operation Wildfire: In your last week in the Whitehouse, you issue a pardon to every cabinet member and all of the senior Whitehouse members in your administration. You also issue a pardon for every child of yours, yes, even Barron. And of course,…

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This election fraudster has the unmitigated gall to say…

Biden said, for the good of the country, Trump should attend my inauguration. Lest you think that I am engaging in libel with the title of this article, read my quote from Biden. Biden said on October 24th, 2020, quote, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Neither Biden nor his campaign did walk-back that admission. So much for the notion of the citizens' sacrosanct right to uncorrupted elections.You are wondering why Biden would say that admission? Biden can't help himself not to speak…

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America learned what did matter in the 2020 election.

Biden's past job performance didn't matter.Trump's past job performance didn't matter.What Biden did against Blacks didn't matter.What Trump did for Blacks didn't matter.Biden's insults toward the voters didn't matter.Trump's praising of the voters didn't matter.Biden's lack of stumping for votes didn't matter.Trump's holding three or more rallies six days a week didn't matter.Biden's apparent corruption didn't matter.Biden's inappropriate touching of little girls didn't matter.Biden's accusers of sexual assault didn't matter.Biden's racist statements didn't matter.Biden's gaffes didn't matter. Biden's obvious lies didn't matter.Biden's confusion didn't matter.Trump's love for his country and the love expressed by the citizens for Trump…

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Madonna will want to blow up Joe’s White House too if consistent.

Madonna said on national television before a crowd of thousands of people shortly after Trump had moved into the White House, "I've been thinking a lot about blowing up the White House." I was shocked at her wanton disregard for human life. Her hatred for Trump was so profound that she had contemplated killing hundreds of people who work at the White House to satiate her blood lust for Donald Trump. Madonna was even willing to kill a child, Barron Trump, who was just ten years old at that time.I could list off a litany of Hollywood…

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The inevitability of leftist’s march

There is a method to the Terrorist-Democrats' madness. President Trump alone stands in the breach against the spread of the Democrats' terrorism. High taxes and a high crime rate are meant to push the Democratic voters to red states from blue states. These migrations are turning red states blue because these voters don't change their beliefs. The Democrats have incorporated violence to accelerate the transformation of the nation. This violence is also meant to discourage Republicans from voting in person or by mail.  Most voters have realized if they vote by mail, it will be known how they…

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Jack Dorsey has a secret ban against Trump supporters

It was brought to our attention that @PacificReports was being replied deboosted by Twitter. That means our replies were being hidden in the "see more replies". We saw that hostile accounts to the President that are making death threats against the President had no such restrictions. The account below is still active with no restrictions...@mattgaetz, we informed @Jack & @TwitterSupport of this account that is in violation of US law & Twitter's use rules. This account isn't shadow banned while our account is right now.@POTUS, the @SecretService must ACT NOW! cc. @RudyGiuliani @JaySekulow— DC Document Reports…

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Chosen one? Yes, he is, I voted for him.

I have a perfect presidential voting record. My voting record started with Reagan. Every person who I voted for has been elected. President Trump is one of two men in my life so far that are the right person for their moment in time. Despite all of President Carter's failures, he was our nation's savior in one critical moment. Jimmy Carter had worked with Admiral Rickover to miniaturize nuclear reactors for the use in submarines. When the Three Mile Island nuclear plant was on the verge of a melt-down, President Carter told the engineers to send him…

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Biden is a second-tier racist.

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Biden's id-[subconscious] has been screaming at us for years that he's a racist. Those gaffes are Biden's id telling us of his true nature. Biden is the second worst kind of a racist in that he believes people of color are inferior and must be attended to in order for them to prosper. We all know Biden meant brown kids instead of poor kids. This was Biden's attempt to cheer on brown children to strive beyond his perceived limitations of them. We see Biden try in vain to cover-up what his id blurted out in the following video…

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