God chose Donald J Trump!

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I have been wandering in the wilderness of disbelief for the last five years. Ben Shapiro believes God saved Donald J. Trump, and I have wrestled with whether there is a God and, if so, whether the God of Abraham saved Donald J. Trump. It is my belief that the Hebrews are closer to understanding the true nature of God. President Trump himself has stated that God saved him to make America great again, a sentiment echoed by Bill O'Reilly, who has said that President Trump truly believes God saved his life.President Trump's inaugural speech, in my…

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Blanket Pardons Raise Suspensions

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I was going to write about why Russia didn't stream-roll over Ukraine from the beginning, but today's subject takes the lead in importance. Whether true or not, the media is reporting that White House officials are trying to determine whether President Biden should issue blanket pardons for everyone in his administration, including prominent Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.If these pardons come to pass, I believe this action is a Red Flag that the Executive Branch of our Government had a hand in the two assassination attempts on President Trump. The demonizing of President Trump…

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Conspiracy? I have seen enough!

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The question is if there was a conspiracy to assassinate Donald J Trump. All of the oversights by the Secret Service to the public do point toward an assassination plan by the Deep State that is ruled by the Democrats. But on the other hand, I have seen investigations into why an aircraft crashed. In many cases, the investigation uncovers a chain of events that occurred that were present during previous flights which didn't result in an incident.However, when a new unexpected variable is introduced, the aircraft's crew is unable to manage the new variable which causes…

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We a hundred A.F.T.E.R.s!

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When I was eight years of age in 1969, there were no women with dicks. The Department of Justice did NOT run a two-tier justice system. My teachers did NOT post any propaganda in favor of sexual deviancy. My teachers NEVER asked me or any of my classmates if we were certain of our gender. There was no such thing as Drag Queen story hour in any school in America in 1969. No men or boys were allowed to enter women's/girls' private spaces. In 1969, it was a criminal offense for a man to enter women's locker rooms knowingly. In 1969,…

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Dems are planning a Bloodbath if Trump wins.

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The latest hoax by the media is that Donald Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he wasn't elected. Trump was saying there would be a bloodbath in America's auto industry if he wasn't elected. Trump explained plans for China to build mega-auto factories in Mexico. Democrats have no fears from the Justice Department for calling for the assassination of President Trump. James Carville joined the likes of Dan Goldman in calling for the killing of President Trump. Carville said there are people among the Democrats that will "wetwork" Trump. Carville made the message clear to…

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Biden is a threat to all life on Earth!

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I am using Biden's and Senator Elizabeth Warren's claims if President Trump were to be reelected. I take both Biden and Warren at their word because they would never lie to the American people. Surely, the media complex would alert Americans if either told falsehoods to American voters. Warren said at Biden's side if Trump were to be reelected, all life on Earth would perish because of Trump's climate change denial. Biden predicted hurricanes, floods, wildland fires across the globe, and global starvation if Trump was reelected. Biden promised to end fossil fuels. I quote Biden, "I…

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My advice to DJT on how to deal with Dan Goldman.

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I can't let it go! Goldman called for the assassination of Donald Trump on MSNBC. Goldman made false claims about Trump and then ended his { screed } by saying, "He has to be eliminated."  I feel unlimited frustration because ALS has reduced me to a shell of my former mighty self. Dan Goldman is a legit target, in my opinion. If I was Trump with his resources and contacts, I would attempt to make an example of Goldman. The Mossad could easily abduct or eliminate Goldman. I would even consider asking Kim Jong Un. After the…

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Mark’s opinions on the upcoming 2024 election.

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In the improbable event that Donald J. Trump wins the 2024 election, it will be only a short { reprieve } from the destructive forces emanating from the Democrats. I did slightly misstate; there wouldn't be a reprieve. There would be a slight slowing of the destruction of our nation. The Democrats have sent clear signals about what they intend to do to President Trump. 1. Imprison him. If that fails, 2. try to rig the election. If that isn't possible, 3. kill him. Representative Dan Goldman said, "Trump has to be eliminated." All of the elected…

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“Trump is even more dangerous than Hitler.”-Claire McCaskill

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Last week, Congressman Dan Goldman listed the reasons why Donald Trump is an enemy of the people and our democracy. Goldman finished by declaring; "he has to be eliminated." I wrote Goldman a few days after he said, "he has to be eliminated" on X. Goldman painted himself into the proverbial corner when he said using "eliminated" was a mistake. I told Goldman if you believed you were telling the truth to the American people, then you should have doubled down and said, "When I said, he has to be eliminated, I meant it, kill him.I fully…

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Breaking news in politics.

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As expected, the Democrats are renewing their trope of, "Donald Trump is Hitler." This trope gives license to election fraud and assassination plots on Donald Trump. Yesterday, Representative Dan Goldman called openly on MSNBC for the assassination of Donald Trump. Goldman said after listing how dangerous Trump is to our democracy, "He has to be eliminated." The tests are, if you mailed a letter to Goldman with that wording about Goldman, you at the least would receive a visit from the FBI. Likely, you would be arrested and charged for making a death threat against a government…

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They have misinterpreted Biden’s actions.

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I'll be the first to ponder if I am wrong. History shows us through the ages that ambitious men don't give up power willingly. So many influential people on the right point to Joe Biden's lackadaisical attitude toward his presidential obligations as a sign he will quit before the Democrats' convention. My view of Biden is that of tenured professors. Biden is behaving as though he has been told his second term as president is assured because the election fix is in. These same people are saying the Trump indictments are because of Biden's fears of being…

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What I expect in 2024

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I am not hoping for these events to occur. Neither am I making predictions. All the "so-called" intelligent people said Joe Biden would resign at the two-year mark of his presidency so Harris could be the president for possibly ten years. I knew they were wrong. Biden said he was a one-term president who was a bridge to the younger generation, I knew he was lying.Things I expect to occur: Biden will revoke Trump's Secret Service protection. Trump will be imprisoned, but less likely placed on home arrest. Biden "wins" a second term with even more "votes"…

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Reviewing Durham’s report.

We will be making weekly entries on this page until Mark finishes his review of this report. Mark will bold the passages of interest to you. You may check Durham's report here>https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2023-05/durhamreport.pdf 5/27/2023 The Leftists are saying this report is a nothing-burger because no one was indicted for the information therein. However, the report states that there would be insufficient evidence to get convictions without using Top Secret information in the courtroom, and getting the approval to do so, would be insurmountable.James Comey operated like he was the head of a Mafia family. I presume Comey gave…

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What we learned from these whistleblowers about the FBI.

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One of my first articles on this site was about the corruption at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I wasn't even remotely close to the corruption level at the FBI according to the whistleblowers' testimonies. I am in the process of reviewing Durham's 300-page report. Thus, I will rely on videos to inform you rather than typing many paragraphs. I did watch the entire testimony. What the Five says is true about the testimony given under oath. I did record some of the hearing in short clips.Mr. @TuckerCarlson, wow, Plaskett is against repeating lies. Where was Plaskett…

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Democrats use minorities as their disposable pawns.

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I will prove my assertion in short order. During Trump's presidency, he tried to negotiate for citizenship of those children [ Dreamers ] that were brought illegally into the country by their parents. However, Nancy Pelosi wouldn't entertain any negotiations with Trump because that would give Trump a win on behalf of people of color. If you recall, the Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress in the first half of Joe Biden's occupation of the Oval Office. Congress during this time, could have submitted a bill to Joe Biden to grant citizenship to those children but didn't. During…

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Join the Navy to be all the homo you can be!

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Firstly, Joe Biden continues to confirm that he is unfit to command our military. How can it strengthen our Navy by appealing to the mentally ill to join our Naval forces? I wrote in a past article that we should staff our military with drag queens in sarcasm because both Joe Biden and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called drag queens brave American heroes. Never in my wildest dreams would I have dreamt that our military would take this path for recruitment.Plainly put, the sole purpose of our military is to kill people and destroy things. Take a gander at…

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The great post-Cold War switcheroo.

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Firstly, I object to homosexuals' co-opting our words ie, gay, to describe their deviant behavior. During the Cold War, our political class called the Soviets godless monsters bent on corrupting our society. However, there was a switch that occurred between the two nations. We have become a godless nation filled with monsters that worships at the altar of perversion. Whereas, Russia has cast off atheism to embrace the Russian Orthodox Church.I will pause to comment on the Trump-Daniels story. As I write, I'm listening to, Piers Morgan vs Stormy Daniels | The Full Interview. From my training,…

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Here we are, come and see.

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16 year old Josh Alexander, has been suspended from St Joseph Catholic High School in Ontario Canada for protesting against transgender peoples use of bathrooms and for saying God created only two genders.The leadership in the school told him his continued attendance would be… https://t.co/4ioM5nABhX pic.twitter.com/xl8YLUWYGu— CitizenLenz (@CitizenLenz) February 20, 2023 A student at @StJosephOCSB says he was suspended and later arrested for organizing school protests against biological males in girls' bathrooms. High school student Josh Alexander shares what he said when he spoke out in class about gender issues and what happened next. pic.twitter.com/XAahL1Uu6U— EWTN News…

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Big reveal, Hamilton 68.

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In this instance, the former Twitter executive, Yoel Roth, is the truth's shining knight. Former FBI counterintelligence official (and current MSNBC contributor) Clint Watts, headed the Hamilton 68 dashboard that was used by journalists. Watts even gave testimony before Congress about this dashboard tool. Plainly put, this was a disinformation operation meant to slander and libel leading Republicans. It was funded by the think tank, the Alliance for Securing Democracy {ASD}.The ASD advisory council includes neoconservative writer Bill Kristol, former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, ex-Hillary for America chief John Podesta, and former heads or deputy heads…

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Is Joe Biden working for Mexico’s drug cartels?

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It is likely that drug cartels are influencing our border states' elections or right-out rigging these elections through bribery, threats, and blackmail. Biden's actions made me ponder if Biden is colluding with these drug cartels. Texas governor, Greg Abbott, had filled in the gaps in the border wall with shipping containers that were two stacked high. Biden threatened Abbott and later sued Abbott. News reports show the containers being removed. Why would Biden care where Abbott chose to stack shipping containers in Texas?Think of it, to rig elections in the border states is to control the nation…

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I report the last two weeks of news.

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Well, the last two weeks have been epic revelations about social media and our elections. What has been revealed makes the Watergate break-in look like a petty J-walking violation. Our government-directed social media companies to limit the free speech of conservatives/Republicans, which is a first amendment violation. The biggest offender was the FBI. Candidate Joe Biden also directed social media companies to censor conservatives/Republicans.We know this because Elon Musk has released scores of documents of internal communications of Twitter's middle management and the upper executive ranks. Musk gave these Journalists access to the Twitter documents, @bariweiss @mtaibbi…

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Mark’s random accounts and thoughts.

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5/11/2022 Biden's infallibilityNancy Pelosi has never been critical of Joe Biden while in the White House, even when Biden speaks nonsense. Apparently, I and everyone else are too moronic to understand the complexities of Joe Biden's speech patterns. I have come to believe the presidency is akin to the papacy. Catholic doctrine states the pope is infallible. I have seen no negative posts by Democrat blue check accounts on Twitter about Joe Biden.There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, therefore, Joe Biden must be infallible in keeping with the overwhelming vote Joe Biden received in the…

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Shazam, everyone in positions of trust lied!

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The above photo is of Hunter Biden from his abandoned laptop. The below list is of past intelligence officials who signed a statement of claim the contents of Hunter's laptop's hard drive was Russian disinformation.Jim Clapper, John Brennan, and others on this list were the biggest Trump-Russian collusion hoaxsters. Brennan and Clapper almost made nightly appearances on CNN to undermine the President of the United States by promoting Hillary Clinton's "Big Lie" of Trump-Russian collusion. I ask; what should befall these 50 former intelligence officials? I am flabbergasted these 50 officials suffer no danger when moving among…

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Amazon Prime’s attack on the Black community.

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I was watching Twitch TV. A commercial for this show came across my monitor. I was shocked to see and hear this take on Cinderella. The who's who of Hollywood are participating in this attack on the Black community. The Democrats have fully infected the White community with this woke sickness. The Black community led by its strong women has resisted this woke infection that is spreading across America. I will show the trailer for this abomination below.A Black man floats down to Cinderella. He introduces himself to Cinderella as her fabulous God Mother [I guess fairy…

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