The world saw 10 million cases of Smallpox every year which resulted in 2 million deaths a year before the vaccine. If you will indulge me, I will explain why I got curious enough to look this subject up. I had noticed to my amusement that actors posing as aliens had the smallpox vaccination scar on their shoulders. Attention to the details was sorely lacking on the set of Stargate 1. Then I reviewed the series Outlander { SPOILER ALERT }which is on Netflix. Claire travels back in time 200 years. Claire had been an army nurse during WWII. Claire and her lady friend, Geillis, get swept up in a witch trial. Claire had healed those that should have died according to the local priest. Geillis had done the same. The lawyer for the two lasses says he can save but one of them.
The lawyer tells Claire and Geillis that they must decide which one of them will admit to being a witch and claim that they had bewitched the other. Geillis ultimately claims she is a witch. And to sell her claim, Geillis shows her Smallpox vaccination scar as the Devil’s mark. Claire sees for the first time that Geillis is a time traveler too. Claire is released and Geillis is taken straight to the public square to be burned alive at the stake. Yesterday, I had a Zoom-call with my doctor. I asked him why the Smallpox inoculation leaves a scar. He { dinna ken } didn’t know.
I then consulted the all-knowing internet. Here’s what I found; the Smallpox vaccine does not use a syringe, but a needle with two prongs. The administrator dips the needle in the vaccine vial. A droplet of the vaccine is held between the two prongs on the needle. The needle is then stabbed within the skin’s layers 15 times! As I watched the below video, I exclaimed to my wife that I was glad that I didn’t remember this vaccination. The vaccine is a live virus, NOT a Smallpox weaken virus. In elementary school, I learned that a scientist in the 18th century had observed that Milkmaids didn’t contract Smallpox. He theorized that the Maids had gained their immunity from being exposed to Cowpox. He was right. The reason the Smallpox vaccination leaves a scar is that the virus multiplies within the area of introduction making a blister.
The third video shows the method for the vaccination. Watching all three videos makes you qualified to administer the Smallpox vaccination.
Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen