Restore the rule of law, indict Hillary Clinton.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen.

It is astounding how little Hillary Clinton is in her self-awareness. Just the other day, she was lecturing a crowd that we must restore the rule of law by impeaching President Trump. I asked our Editor to reprint this short article as a result of what I had heard.

Game, set and match against Hillary Clinton. by Mark Pullen 7/31/2017

I was reviewing a WikiLeaks product, John Podesta had sent Hillary Clinton the current lies spun by the campaign for Hillary to memorize regarding her clandestine rogue server, from which she conducted her espionage activities. I matched the FBI report page that best refuted the lies that I was working on. The lies that she told us and Congress were, “there is nothing on my server that is classified. I sent or received nothing that was marked classified at the time it was sent or received.”  That last lie is very interesting to me. Before I show the damning logic that would put Hillary Clinton behind prison bars, I must destroy that last lie.  

This lie is to cover the fact that she repeated classified information in her emails that she had read or heard in her briefings. My most esteemed reader, I hope you will forgive my lapse in not catching this earlier. On this FBI report page that is below is my kill shot for the indictment of Hillary Clinton. Hillary’s lawyer is stating that the six laptops that are holding the backup files from the server in question, do hold classified emails, to include Top Secret emails. Here is the thing, how does the lawyer know that some of the emails are at the level of Top Secret if they are not marked as such?  There can be only two answers to my posed question. 1. The emails are marked with the level of classification. 2. Hillary Clinton told the lawyer the laptops held Top Secret emails. In either case, I declare checkmate. 

Hillary Clinton broke every statute on these Inspector General’s report pages. 

Hillary Clinton broke espionage statutes when she sent or caused to be sent classified information to the Clinton Foundation. See our article for the documentation, Lynch concealed Hillary’s espionage from FBI.