Back in 1992 when I first heard a politician refer to the red states between the coasts as flyover states, I immensely took a solid dislike for that disrespect to our millions of citizens in those states. Those citizens work hard to be the breadbasket of the nation. When I was a young man, California was a red state. Ronald Reagan won California four times. Twice for its governor and twice for the presidency. In those Reagan years, California was a nice place to live. We often went from Sacramento to San Francisco to see the sites and eat the food at Fisherman’s wharf, good times.
Scott Adams, the Dibert cartoonist, won’t step a foot in Frisco. Even Adams refers to Frisco as a hellscape. The same goes for L.A., sadly. That is what happens when Democrats run amok unchecked. NYC is also a hellscape. I used to think of the elected Democrats in D.C. as the enemy. I was dead wrong! It is the voters electing the likes of Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell who are the enemy. It would be fine if the above lunatics only affected California, but that is not so. Even more troubling to me, I am certain the Democrats have purchased the election cheat codes, pardon my video gaming reference.
Whether witting or not, there is mounting evidence that the Southern border states election officials are being assisted by Mexican drug cartels. I am suggesting the red states take punitive actions toward these blue states. 1. Red states should form a cartel that won’t sell food to blue states. red states must only sell food to one another or other nations. 2. Red states should set up ports of entry on all roads with blue states. Citizens from blue states would be compelled to state why they are entering and to enter, a Visa would have to be purchased for the amount of time spent in the red state. Those persons overstaying their Visas would be subject to heavy fines or imprisonment or both. I could care less if it’s unconstitutional, the Democrats disobey courts’ orders and violate the bill of rights ad nauseam.
3. Red state governors would send no payroll tax money to D.C. other than Social Security deductions.
Others may fill in other actions. I believe in time, the red states must secede from the Union. That would burden the remaining states with the 30+ trillion dollars of debt that the D.C. politicians have racked up. Without that debt, the red states’ living standards would skyrocket. Red states next to one other may choose to form their own Union or go it alone. The New York governor said Republicans weren’t welcome in her state and those persons should move to Florida or elsewhere. She said out loud what most Democrats are thinking. If you object to drag queen shows in your children’s schools, Democrats hate you. If you won’t call a man a woman, the Democrats hate you. If you object to “sex changes” for children, the Democrats hate you.
Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.