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The easiest definition of “Reciprocity” to understand is, “Do unto others as they have done unto you.” If a person opens their home unto, you are obligated to return that good deed in kind under the principle of reciprocity. It is my belief that a person should do more for others as they have done unto you. Reciprocity means to mirror the treatment rendered to you. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States applied the principle of reciprocity toward Japan’s actions on December 7th, 1941. It wasn’t an act of revenge per se when the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, it was an act of reciprocal plus treatment.

President Trump has said he will practice the principle of reciprocity in trade agreements with other countries. President Trump will mirror the trade policies of individual countries. Say, Japan has a 100% tariff on foodstuffs, Therefore, President Trump would apply a 100% tariff on Japan’s imports of foodstuffs. The United States has a many times larger consumer market than Japan’s consumer market, therefore, President Trump’s reciprocity would correct the bad trade practices rendered unto the United States by Japan and other nations.

Our criminal punishment system doesn’t produce good results because it doesn’t practice reciprocity. Giving a criminal a five-year time out for beating and raping women isn’t reciprocity. The reciprocity for this crime would be beating the rapist twofold as he did to his victims. If that amount of beating would kill the rapist, then the beating would be done in stages after the rapist recovered from the last session. As for the rapist’s penetration of his victims, each session would have the rapist’s anal canal violated with a device. I guarantee reciprocity would largely end criminal behavior in our society.

The Republican Party must evoke political reciprocity to correct the Democrats’ behavior.
After the last assassination attempt on President Trump; President Trump told a crowd in Flint Michigan that Kamala and Joe called him on the telephone to check on him and they wished him well. The crowd booed, but President Trump said no to the booers. President Trump said the calls from Kamala and Joe were pleasant.

Here’s the thing that I have an issue with, Kamala and Joe have been demonizing President Trump for six years. Kamala and Joe have along with the other Democrats have been saying President Trump is the second coming of Adolf Hitler with all of the evilness of killing six million Jews. Those phone calls from Kamala and Joe represent their deceitfulness to America’s citizens. No one would call the very embodiment of evil to wish him well! I will advise President Trump to play the recordings of those telephone calls in his political ads. “Trump isn’t a threat to America’s democracy, listen to what Kamala and Joe said after the last assassination attempt on me. That political maneuver is in the right direction toward reciprocity. If recordings were made of Kamala’s and Joe’s calls, I guarantee if used, President Trump would win the election in a landslide. If no recordings were made, create transcriptions of those phone calls. BTW, President Biden confirmed to reporters that he called “President Trump” after the last assassination attempt to wish him well.

Alan Dershowitz told his audience that his friend, Professor Tribe, said regarding President Trump, “If you are going to shoot Trump, you gotta shoot to kill.” Dershowitz was upset with Tribe and Dershowitz called out Tribe. According to Dershowitz, Tribe said he was only speaking metaphorically. Dershowitz didn’t accept Tribe’s explanation. I don’t either! I do call for reciprocity for those persons who are trying to incite the assassination of President Trump whoever they may be.

So close to reality