President Trump, after much consideration, I have expanded operation Wildfire to include [ redacted ]. I submitted the initial plan to you in the spring of 2019. In the light of all of the death threats from politicians and celebrities to you and your family members, I added a [ redacted ] component to Wildfire.
Operation Wildfire: In your last week in the Whitehouse, you issue a pardon to every cabinet member and all of the senior Whitehouse members in your administration. You also issue a pardon for every child of yours, yes, even Barron. And of course, Melania too. On January 18th, you resign. President Pence issues a pardon for you, and he then resigns. With Mike Pence’s resignation, that puts Nancy Pelosi in the Whitehouse for twenty-four hours. Thus, stealing the first woman presidency from Kalama Harris. It’s the ultimate FU to the Democrats that are hell-bent on hounding you and your family members after you leave the office of the presidency with endless investigations and legal proceedings.
President Trump, your and Mike Pence’s wording for the pardons could be worded as Gerald Ford’s pardon for Nixon. All that is needed is; I issue a presidential pardon which is unconditional and is absolute for any offenses against the United States of America that [ name ] may have committed from these [ dates ]. Mister President, please, sir, don’t allow pride to cloud what must be done to protect yourself and those that you hold dear.
If this rings as me being a defeatist, worry not, Mister President. I am being a realist. Clearly, the Supreme Court is bent on institutional suicide. Biden didn’t answer as to whether if he plans to pack the Supreme Court’s ranks. I do wonder if members of the Court were threatened or bribed to not hear your cases of election fraud. Moreover, the Republican Party doesn’t have your back or America’s back to put it plainly. Additionally, the “smart” people say the Supreme Court will rule in the favor of peace against the rule of law. Meaning, because your support base doesn’t riot, murder, mayhem, and burn cities to the ground, you lose, we lose, America loses.
I will give you my redacted component to Wildfire on the backchannel.
Always faithful, Mark Pullen