President Brandon is lying about fuel prices.

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President Brandon said he can’t do anything about the rising fuel prices. That’s not true. In fact, the high prices we are experiencing are by design as part of his plan. Brandon was transparent about his plans to cripple America during the campaign cycle. “I promise you, I will end fossil fuels.”-Candidate Brandon. Candidate Brandon made this pledge to a woman in early 2020. On the debate stage, Brandon said if elected, he would end fracking for the production of oil and natural gas. While it’s true that fuels are sold on the commodity market, our presidents can influence those prices by indirect measures.

Early on in Trump’s presidency, Trump persuaded the Saudi kingdom to increase its oil production. President Trump also opened up public lands to fuel production. This action had a two-fold effect. The federal government collected vast sums of money from leasing fees and fuel prices went down as a result of the increase of available fuels. In the last year of Trump’s presidency, oil prices dropped so much that it threatened to destroy our oil industry. Trump persuaded the Saudi kingdom and Russia to cut back their oil production. They complied. What stick or carrot Trump used still remains a secret.

Brandon on day one of his presidency closed the construction of the Keystone pipeline from Canada. And within weeks, Brandon removed all of the obstacles that President Trump had put in place for the construction of Russia’s natural pipeline to Europe. Those two actions alone prove beyond a doubt that President Brandon is hell-bent on his plan to cripple America.

In closing, the Romans made use of the Tarpeian Rock for the disposal of traitors to Rome. While Washington D.C. doesn’t have such a rock as the Tarpeian rock, there is the Washington monument that could be used for the disposal of traitors to our republic.


Written by Mark Pullen.