This show is just as bad as Picard. On the right is Captain Philippa Georgiou who can’t be any heavier than 105 pounds. On the left is Michael Burnham who can’t be any heavier than 120 pounds. And I can’t answer why a female character is named, Michael. Flash forward, Michael Burnham is the first officer to Captain Philippa Georgiou. Burnham finds a Klingon warship while on a spacewalk. They contact the Klingons after exchanging weapons fire. Then the show goes totally off the rails. These two slight of stature women decide to infiltrate the Klingon ship and take the Klingon commander prisoner. The Klingons are more than six feet six inches in height at 250 pounds. And yet, in a scene, it shows these women holding their own in mortal combat with Klingons!
Who on the ship thought it was a good idea to let the Captain and the First Officer go on a suicide mission? Why didn’t the ship’s Security Officer protest? A security team comprised of big men should have been sent instead of these two small women. In the series, Deep Space Nine, I saw the same nonsense. The Federation goes to war with the Dominion. The Dominion has a race of genetically engineered super-soldiers, the Jem’Hadar, who cut like butter through the ranks of the Federation’s male battle harden troops in hand-to-hand combat. And yet, small women are portrayed to be able to defeat Jem’Hadar soldiers in mortal combat.
There is a reason there are no women in the Navy Seals or the Army Rangers. Women can’t go toe to toe in a fight with men. The picture below is of me in Paris. It is pure fantasy to expect the woman shown to have a chance in hell in combat with me. And, I’m not a big man. I stand six feet four inches tall at two hundred pounds.

And yes, I’ve been attacked by women three times. Once when I was just sixteen by the shotput record holder in Idaho. She got mad because I beat her in 21. I twisted her up like a pretzel until she promised to calm down. In college, a woman in my fencing class thought she could prevail against me, she rues that day she crossed swords with me. She was an angry lesbian.
Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell.