News and Mark’s insights.

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A video surfaced on X showing Nancy Pelosi in distress in her own words, “I am responsible for security at the Capitol. I should have had the Nation Guard there.” Pelosi was so upset at her loss of face. Apparently, General Milley advised Pelosi to not take the soldiers that President Trump offered because Milley believed the soldiers would side with President Trump to stop the process of counting the electors. I asked Gemini to give me the biography of General Milley. I then asked if Milley had led soldiers in combat under fire. Gemini said Milley had. I pressed Gemini to prove that Milley had led soldiers under fire. Gemini cited Milley’s in theater ribbon. I told Gemini that wasn’t proof of Milley’s leading troops in combat. Gemini went on to say Milley had formed plans and he had been in the Special Forces. I told Gemini that wasn’t proof either. I then told Gemini that NCOs mostly led soldiers in combat. I then further pressed Gemini for proof of Milley’s combat experience. Gemini said there were not public accounts available for General Milley’s combat experience. I told Gemini absent of proof, it never happened. Gemini said you are absolutely right. Gemini also searched Milley’s book. The point of this exercise was to show you to not trust A.I.s to give accurate information. It might be Milley has led soldiers under fire, but it’s doubtful, in my opinion. It is likely that Milley attained the rank of General through good politicking.

To cover Nancy Pelosi’s failure, the Democrats spun the narrative of President Trump leading an insurrection. In other news, election officials in Puerto Rico are rethinking their use of voting machines. They found hundreds of instances where votes were switched. Why couldn’t that switching be scaled up? Is it just a coincidence that voting machines were used in the swing states that Biden won in 2020?

Scott Adams made the following prediction: Trump will lead Biden by a huge amount of votes on election day, but in the following days, votes for Biden will amass that will give Biden the win. It will be obvious that election fraud gave Biden the win. Some Democrats will say this fraud is too much, and thereby denounce the election results. The Supreme Court will call for a do-over. Adams further predicts Republican voters won’t accept the election results and violence will occur if the election is not done over.

There is no chance that any Democrat will denounce obvious election fraud. My predictions: Biden or his replacement will win the election through obvious election fraud. There will be court filings, but the election results will stand with little public push-back. The American citizens are sheep in comparison to the French citizens. The French citizens have brought their country to a standstill numerous times by national strikes. Americans don’t have the fortitude of the French citizens. I admire the French citizens. On my first visit to France, I told several French people of my admiration for them. It was on my second visit to France, a French woman saved my life. The ALS effects had stolen most of my ability to speak and walk. My wife and I had exited from the subway train. There were a lot of people around us as we went toward the stairs to exit the subway station. The elevator was out of order. The crowd funneled me to the center of the stairs. At about halfway up the stairs, I lost my balance and I began falling backward. At this very moment, I felt a hand pushing me upright. I paused to collect myself and I turned to behold who had saved me. The person was a very tall French woman who was beautiful. I did my best to thank her, she gave me a smile of acknowledgment.

My second prediction: Joe Biden will issue a pardon for his son, Hunter, after the election even though he said wouldn’t on national Television. I base this prediction on the fact that Biden cheated his way through law school. Biden used plagiarism to secure his senate seat. Biden told the voters he wouldn’t seek a second term. Biden is a known cheater and liar.

I spend much effort battling Brian Krassenstein. Here is Brian’s post and my reply below.