My mix bag of opinions.

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President Trump uses President Jimmy Carter as his personal whipping boy. I truly believe America has the right Presidents for certain circumstances. I saw the Soviets hoodwink President Carter several times. To prevent a famine in the Soviet Union, President Carter agreed to give the Soviets metric tons of wheat on credit. The Soviets never made good on the debt to our farmers. The taxpayers were feeding the citizens of the Soviet Union even though we were in a Cold War with the Soviets. It might be that President Carter prevented a third World War by giving the Soviets our wheat with the foreknowledge that the Soviets wouldn’t or couldn’t pay for the grain.

President Carter wrongly took the advice as to how to rescue our citizens from Iran. Israel had adapted helicopters for the desert environment. It is my understanding from my brother that Israel offered to rescue our people from Iran. Our helicopters crashed in the desert because a sandstorm clogged the jet engines of the helicopters.

Jimmy Carter’s highest rank in the Navy was Captain. He earned this rank after serving as a submarine officer under Admiral Rickover and later becoming a nuclear engineer. Carter helped to miniaturize a nuclear reactor so it could fit inside a submarine. Clearly, Carter isn’t a dumbell. Later as our president, he prevented the full meltdown of Unit 2 at the Three Mile Nuclear Plant. The operators had abandoned the plant. President Carter flew to Pennsylvania to examine the raw data from Unit 2. President Carter told the operators what to do to prevent a full meltdown of Unit 2. The instrumentation incorrectly indicated to plant operators that the valve had reclosed as expected once proper pressure levels were reached. Unaware that the plant was experiencing a loss of coolant accident, operators took actions that ultimately exacerbated the issue. The malfunction and operator error resulted in inadequate cooling water circulation to the reactor core causing it to overheat and suffer a partial meltdown. Therefore, if the operators had done nothing, the incident would have not occurred because the reactor’s automatic safeguards would have kicked in.

Illegal immigrant crime has reached untenable levels in sanctuary cities. In many cases, the police are refusing to arrest the criminals. The solution is a simple one. Man up to organize anti-immigrant-criminal cells. Inform the cities’ officials that illegal aliens will be terrorized if the criminals amongst them are not taken off the streets permanently. Of course, the threat will have to be carried through for the cities’ officials to believe the threat is genuine. Pick easy targets just as the illegal aliens do to Americans. If by luck, you find a criminal alien, my choice would be daggers and garrots. Guns are too noisy, additionally, a swab test will show you have fired a gun. It is astonishing to me that the native-born criminals who are used to killing haven’t begun thinning out their illegal alien criminal rivals.

Kamala is dangling the reparations carrot again in the hope that Black Voters will fall for her reparations ruse again. Kamala and Joe promised reparations in 2020 in front of Reverend Sharpton. The Democrats held both Houses of Congress when Kamala and Joe were “elected” with “81 million votes.” I saw a meme that Shemeka Michelle posted
X handle>@ShemekaMichelle. The meme was a Black person being thrown out of an SUV. The SUV was labeled, “After the Election.” The Black person was labeled as, “Black Voters.” The driver was labeled as, “Democratic Party.”
The Israeli Defense Force [ IDF ] found six hostages executed by shots to the back of their heads. Hamas did this to prevent the recovery of these souls when the IDF was approaching the Hamas stronghold. The Hamas terrorists fled after executing the hostages. I fall back upon Roman Empire doctrine. Being a citizen of Rome meant you had protection of Rome’s Legions. If the Barbarians crossed into Roman territory to harm Roman citizens, the Legions would kill a hundred Barbarians for each Roman citizen harmed. The Barbarians of our era must be taught that taking hostages spells doom for them and everyone in their cities. As the Commander-in-Chief of America’s military, Israel would have been told to make way for America’s might. Mark’s doctrine is, to consider every hostage9 dead in the clutches of terrorists. The people are responsible for the actions of their governments. Likewise, the government is responsible for the actions of its citizens. I would have attacked Saudi Arabia after the 9/11 attacks. I would have destroyed Mecca and Saudi Arabia’s 13 desalination water plants. My response to Gaza’s attack that killed Americans and the taking of Americans as hostages would be our submarines launching their conventional Warhead missiles at every population center in Gaza. I would have flattened Gaza City. After I was done, there would be no hostages and few remaining Palestinians. To spell it out clearly, I would have gone Harry S. Truman on Gaza.