Mark writes 3 am emails.

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Firstly, I neglected to tell you all something interesting about my time at the Sheriff’s firing range. The range instructor was about six feet tall, an Irish man. He had the largest hands I’ve seen on a person of his size. His hands were much larger than mine. He looked like an alcoholic. His nose was enlarged with oversized blood vessels. This firearm instructor’s hands had what appeared to be DT tremors.
I thought, “With those shakes, he couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.” I was so wrong! After he inspected our revolvers, he demonstrated how we should stand when firing. He stressed to always fire at least two rounds. It was one of the craziest things I have seen; when he picked up a gun, his hands became rock steady. None of us recruits could match his bullet groupings. We shot so much in the peak summer heat that our gun chambers got so hot. In a drill, I went to eject the shells. Because my revolver was so hot, I didn’t cradle the revolver with its barrel against my index finger’s knuckle and snap my hand down and Up while pressing the ejection rod. A shell got caught behind the ejection rod’s star. I couldn’t reload! The Instructor rushed over to me and grabbed my revolver. 
He said while holding my revolver above his head, “This man is dead because he didn’t adhere to how properly eject his spent shells! Recruit, why are you dead?” I said the barrel was too hot. The Instructor mocked me with no mercy. It is the ALS, I know, that is making me weep to tell of this mockery before my peers.
The training was mostly with shotguns and our service revolvers. One evening, the Instructor brought out the range’s sniper rifle. It had a “bull” barrel. I don’t remember what round it fired. It didn’t have much of a recoil. Maybe .223?
We all got to fire three rounds at a silhouette target at a hundred yards. The rifle with the scope must have cost $8,000 or more. We all got tight groupings that would fit under a silver dollar. The Instructor said the Department’s snipers under the right conditions could shoot three rounds that could be covered with a dime.
I remember when President Biden appointed Vice President Harris to be the “Border Czar.” Now that Kamala Harris is running for the presidency, the legacy media outlets are trying to [ memory hole ] that Harris was appointed to be the Border Czar. X has those same media outlets celebrating Harris’ appointment to be the Border Czar in video clips. The legacy media outlets are such liars! This link>
I happened to see a video in my YouTube feed that had President Trump playing a round of 18 holes with a Pro for charity. I harken back to 2016 when several golf Pros who were Democrat mouthpieces said DJT wasn’t a good golf player and they accused DJT of cheating! I thought that could not be true.
I had not seen DJT play a round of golf before yesterday. The Pro drove like you would expect with perfect form and follow through to that pose they all do. DJT drives the ball incredibly far and straight. After DJT hits the ball, he walks forward as his follow-through. On several holes, DJT got closer to the hole than the Pro. I think it was on the 12th hole, DJT sunk a putt for an Eagle for $10,000. The Pro: President Trump just sunk a putt for an Eagle, and he walks off like a boss!
DJT must have superhuman genes. DJT is 78 years old and he must be a scratch player or a little bit below. Very entertaining to watch>
DJT’s doctor really got mad at Christopher Wray. He went on X to dress down Wray. Wray said the FBI wasn’t certain if DJT had been struck by a bullet. I took another look at DJT’S ear. I posted my findings.
My best score at  A performance of 2001.


I don’t believe the Trump-Vance ticket can win despite what the polls show unless President Trump has heeded my counsel to place covert operatives among the election officials.

If President Trump does win in November, that’s a mountain size IF, FBI Director Christopher Wray’s days will be numbered because Wray had Hunter Biden’s laptop. The 51 former Intelligence officials said in writing it was Russian disinformation. But Director Wray knew it wasn’t Russian disinformation and Wray didn’t dispute the 51s claims. The laptop was used in court by the government against Hunter Biden in the gun charge. Hunter claimed that he wasn’t a drug addict on the gun application form, however, on the laptop’s hard drive, Hunter Biden had recent videos of him smoking crack cocaine 🤣

“Hunter is the smartest man I know.”-President Joe Biden

Okay, okay, I hear you pining for another Joe Biden quote!

“All men and women are created equal by…you know the Thing!”-Joe Biden 2020

The jurists were helpless against the overwhelming evidence. The jurists delivered a guilty verdict.

I believe the powers at be have to take another run at murdering President Trump if the Judge doesn’t send President Trump to prison in September. The fact that the powers-at-be replaced President Biden with Kamala Harris is a strong signal to me that the Democrats don’t believe it’s certain they can manipulate the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. Don’t be surprised that President Biden is forced out of the White House in the coming 90 days.

I believe American citizens should be granted full immunity for whatever actions they take to restore order when Hamas supporters attack police officers and deface public property.

On a personal note, I will be voting for whatever Republican ticket is available in November, all-be-it, in California, a Republican vote is meaningless. I draw the line at “chicks with dicks” in positions of authority in the federal government which Kamala Harris is okay with in her future administration. That said, I have dark hopes that Kamala Harris will win in November to hasten the destruction of America.


I took it hard to Representative Dan Goldman yesterday. Goldman was comparing DJT to Adolf Hitler and promoting hoaxes that have been proven to be false. Goldman finishes his attack on DJT with: “He has to be eliminated!” Goldman said this on MSNBC about 40 days ago. I will never let this go as long as I draw breath.

In service to you all, I did suffer through yesterday’s hearing about the assassination attempt. FBI Director Christopher Wray did make himself available for his testimony. Overall, the hearing was a nothing burger except for one exchange between Representative Matt Gaetz and Christopher Wray. DJT saw it too. DJT brought it up at his latest rally.
Gaetz asked Wray how often he briefed President Biden and if VP Harris was present during the briefings. Wray was evasive in his answers, but Gaetz did manage to get Wray to admit that he briefed President Biden at least monthly, and sometimes VP Harris was with them. Gaetz asked Wray if he had seen a decline in President Biden’s mental acuity. Wray said that he had not noticed anything unusual in his interactions with President Biden. Put a 📌 in this declaration.
I watched President Biden’s address to the nation. President Biden did say his performance did warrant a second term but to unite his party, he isn’t seeking a second term. President Biden just told the nation he was a victim of a palace coup! Director Wray said President Biden was fine. Director Wray is a trained people observer.
The three promises that Candidate Biden made in 2019-2020 that President Biden did not fulfill which has left me heartbroken. 
2019: “If you elect me as your president, I will cure cancer!”
When Candidate Biden said he would cure cancer if we elected him, I wrote an article in which I accused Candidate Biden of holding the world population hostage for his political advancement. How is it fair to withhold his cure for cancer from people outside of the United States who can’t vote for him?
2020: Candidate Biden speaking to a young woman. “I promise you, I promise you, I will end fossil fuels!”
I had the expectation that a President Biden would wage war against all fossil fuel producers on Mother Earth. If that caused a nuclear weapons war, the resulting nuclear winter would solve the “Global Warming Crisis.”
2020: Candidates Biden and Harris were standing alongside Reverend Sharpton when Sharpton asked if they elected them, would they pay reparations to Black Americans. Candidate Harris said, “Absolutely yes! Candidate Biden nodded his head in agreement.
I will point out that Kamala Harris has been America’s first acting female president with all of the powers of the presidency. This occurred when Joe Biden was in surgery and in recovery for more than nine hours. President Harris could have issued an Executive Order to pay reparations to Black Americans.
I had a grammar error in my post to Representative Dan Goldman. It should have been…busting with pride…I  should have checked to see if the auto-fill had sabotaged me.
Dear Mistress, I your loyal Anubis, have caught wind of talk about putting me asleep soon after I reach 18 years of age. I am not suffering in pain and I can still walk, though all-be-it I do stagger about like a drunken sailor. If the criteria is suffering in pain and not being able to walk, I humbly point out that your husband can’t walk and I hear him crying every day because of the constant pain he is enduring. Besides those two things, he can’t even talk! Whereas I can, my Mistress. Your husband is 63 years old, whereas, I’m only approaching only 18 years of age. Dear Mistress, please set your sights on your husband, not on me, your loyal Anubis