Joe Biden campaigned for the presidency on his belief that there should no restrictions on immigration. Biden said, I consider undocumented immigrants to be American citizens already. I wrote an article about Biden’s absurd statement that week in 2019. I postulated that Biden would open our borders to every Tom, Dick, and Harry if he was elected. I was right with ever sharpness! In my wildest dreams, I would not dreamt that Joe Biden would fly in illegal immigrants over our borders. In doing so, President Biden exposed himself as a climate change heretic. President Biden was saying the American citizens must reduce their carbon footprints even if it causes hardships of job losses.
On the 2019 debate stage, then candidate Joe Biden said he was willing to lose 250, 000 jobs in the fossil fuels industry to fight climate change. I am making the point that President Biden told his citizens to endure hardships to fight climate change while he was flying in illegal immigrants on fossil fuel guzzling commercial aircraft by the tens of thousands. I’m just getting warmed up. The next paragraph addresses the title of this post of mine.
All of the above is just filler in my opinion because there are bigger fish to fry. President Biden directly caused the rapes and murders of defenseless children and women by knowingly allowing unvetted men to enter our country. Even worse, President Biden had standing orders to admit men with criminal records into the country. That is unforgivable. It is my belief that Biden’s family members and those who took President Biden’s orders to admit everyone with no regard to the American citizens’ well-being should made to suffer for President Biden’s crimes against the American citizenry. It should be an eye for an eye of retribution until there are no family remaining in their bloodlines.