I interpret Joe Biden’s quotes.

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It might be that Joe Biden, a mortal, was picked by celestial beings to join their ranks. We might be witnessing his transformation into a celestial being. If Joe Biden was daft mentally, surely, Joe Biden wouldn’t have earned 81 million votes, 20 million more votes more than Barack Hussain Obama who was the most popular president that even the press fawned over.

The only other alternative theory is the 2020 election was rigged. Every person in authority in our government says the 2020 election was the most secure election in our country’s history. And surely, no one in our government would ever lie to the citizenry.

In the holy writings in mainstream religions, the writings are hard to follow because the transcripts were written by mortals who had contact with beings from a higher plane of existence. Let’s review what Joe Biden has said recently. I assure you these quotes are 100% accurate.

“By the way, I’m proud to be the, as I said, the first vice president, first Black woman, served with a Black president, proud of the first Black woman in the Supreme Court.”-Joe Biden

In the Bible, we read that God exists as three entities, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Joe Biden exists in many forms, apparently.

“I’m the first President elected statewide in the state of Delaware when I was a kid.”-Joe Biden

This is an interesting statement from Celestial Biden. Apparently, Delaware solely elects our Presidents. We see another example of Celestial Biden’s duality. The 2020 election transformed Celestial Biden into a child or the Celestials themselves did this Joe Biden. But we can’t see Celestial Biden as a youth because we are mere mortals.

These two following statements by Celestial Biden are him/her telling us of his/her power of omnipresence.

“I made the mistake of teaching constitutional law for seven years.”-Joe Biden

Joe Biden said this in 2020 to George Stephanopoulos. George Stephanopoulos didn’t challenge Joe Biden on this claim. It might be that George Stephanopoulos is like me, is a Celestial prophet. Otherwise, we have to believe George Stephanopoulos as a journalist, allowed Joe Biden to tell lies unchecked. Where did the mortal Joe Biden find the time to teach constitutional law as a Senator and Vice President as a Black woman? This is Joe Biden telling us indirectly that he/she is a Celestial being with omnipresence powers.

“And by the way, “I’ve been all over the world with you. I’ve been in and out of battles, anyway “-Joe Biden

Here is more evidence of Celestial Biden’s powers of omnipresence. Celestial Biden was able to be a Senator, a Vice President as a Black Woman, teach constitutional law, and accompany America’s soldiers into battles all at the same time!

Respectfully submitted by Celestial Biden’s prophet, Mark Pullen.