Hold them accountable!

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I don’t understand how James Comey, those 51 former intelligence officials, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe can move about American society freely with no worries for their safety. James Clapper lied before Congress saying our NSA did not collect any information on American citizens. That perjury of James Clapper triggered Edward Snowden’s revelation that our government was unlawfully spying on its citizens by warrantless surveillance. James Clapper and James Comey launched the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. James Comey lied under oath before Congress several times to protect Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan, and Hillary Clinton. Comey testified that no one in the Hillary Clinton email server investigation lied to his agents.

Just for starters, all of Hillary Clinton’s aids lied about their knowledge of the email server(s) as shown in the FBI’s report. All of the aids exchanged emails about the server’s maintenance and upgrades. Hillary Clinton told FBI agents that she never took her phone(s) into the Department of State’s SCIF. However, when the agents interviewed the State Department’s security officers they told otherwise. The security officers said Hillary Clinton had exempted herself from the security regulations about phones and electronic devices in the SCIF.

John Brennan was a party to the Trump-Russia collusion hoax conspiracy, as well as, one of 51 former intelligence officers who said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation. Brennan also gave false testimony before Congress while under oath about his involvement in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax conspiracy. James Comey knew the Steel dossier was filled with falsehoods about Donald Trump and his campaign members, nevertheless, James Comey submitted the FISA application to the secret surveillance court to unlawfully spy on Carter Page and through Page to every member of Trump’s campaign.

James Comey denied the FISA application was solely based on the Steel dossier on national Television, however, the Inspector General’s report says the FISA application was solely based on the Steel dossier. I again ask: Why are these people allowed to move about our society with no care for their safety?