CNN: where deceit, hypocrisy, and collusion reign supreme.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.

This is from Scott Adams’ blog post. We provide the link to his post at the bottom of our article.

CNN is still promoting the hoax that President Trump said the white supremacist in Charlottesville that were protesting were good people too. CNN is asking us to believe that President Trump was siding with the racist on national television and against his own Jewish daughter, grandchildren, his son-in-law, and Israel. Israel would have noticed that occurrence. We see instead Trump signs posted on the streets of Israel.

CNN parades an endless stream of race baiters that claim President Trump hates our fellow black Americans. CNN is asking us to disregard what our eyes see and President Trump’s actions. We all saw the black woman at the State of the Union event that President Tump did commute her unjust prison sentence. We all saw her weep tears of gratitude. President Trump signed into law the First Step Act that helps incarcerated black Americans to join our society with their debt paid in full with services for training for careers. How does CNN explain the fact President Trump has black Americans serving in his administration? How does CNN explain these pictures?

 Donald Trump’s behavior has been consistent through the years as shown by the preceding pictures.

CNN also wants us to believe that President Trump hates women, hence he doesn’t respect them either. How does CNN explain the fact that President Trump has women in powerful positions in his administration that he appointed?

First female director of the CIA, promoted within the ranks of the agency.

Sanders is only one of three women to have served as the White House Press Secretary

How does CNN explain this?

Now we come to CNN’s hypocrisy. Imagine what CNN would broadcast to the end of times if Donald Trump had met with David Duke, who is a racist and a former KKK member. Below we see that President Obama met with Louis Farrakhan and is all smiles at the covert meeting. Farrakhan is a racist just like Duke. Farrakhan preaches that the Devil created white people. Hence, the White Devil moniker assigned by him to white people. He disparages the Jews too.

 Farrakhan explains in detail how white people were created. He didn’t say Yakub was working under the direction of the Devil in this short video but he has said so in the past.

Now we come to the collusion of CNN with a Democrats. CNN touts itself as the most trusted news source for the American people. How can that be so of them when we see below they threw objectively to the wind to aid one candidate over another? Some might say this was election tampering.

Not to be outdone by CNN, below we see in the email sent to the DNC that spies were used. This email is from the Washington Post. Note the web address show the two pages are the same email.

The truth is all the media for the most part aligned against Donald Trump because he left the Democrat’s party and he dared to run against Hillary Clinton. Scott Adams does a wonderful job in disproving the, Fine people hoax. See his blog here,