Deportation suggestions

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President Trump says some countries will not accept the return of their citizens. In a past article, I had two suggestions to compel a country to accept the repatriation of its criminal citizens. 1. Begin dumping radioactive waste on the country’s farmland until the country complies. 2. Inflict a billion dollars of damage in missile strikes every day the country doesn’t accept its criminal citizens back from the United States of America.

Before I reveal my new suggestions to return criminal aliens to their country of origin, I have a suggestion to eliminate illegal immigration. A bill from Congress for the President to sign into, the law that an adult from another country who enters the United States unlawfully forfeits all of their rights as human beings.

Here are my revised suggestions to return criminal aliens to their country of origin. Offload all of the aircraft of two aircraft carriers. Fill the flight decks of the carriers with aliens who have raped and murdered. The carrier groups enter the territorial waters of the nation’s criminal aliens. The Captains of the aircraft carriers will contact the government of said nation to announce the following: We have a thousand of your citizens on my ship. Please send vessels to receive them. If you don’t comply with my request, the Marines aboard this Man-of-War will affix bayonets to their rifles at my direction to offload your citizens into your territorial waters. You have thirty minutes to comply.

My second suggestion is constructing huge flat barges holding two thousand criminal aliens. These barges will have the ability to submerge and surface by wireless control. One of Man-of-War ships tows a barge packed with rapists and murderers to their country of origin. If the nation’s government doesn’t comply, the Captain submerges the barge to leave the criminal aliens behind to swim eleven miles to the shore of their country.

Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.