Conspiracy? I have seen enough!

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The question is if there was a conspiracy to assassinate Donald J Trump. All of the oversights by the Secret Service to the public do point toward an assassination plan by the Deep State that is ruled by the Democrats. But on the other hand, I have seen investigations into why an aircraft crashed. In many cases, the investigation uncovers a chain of events that occurred that were present during previous flights which didn’t result in an incident.

However, when a new unexpected variable is introduced, the aircraft’s crew is unable to manage the new variable which causes an incident. If I was in charge of the investigation of the attempted assassination of former President Trump, I would look at past open-air events and compare these events to President Biden’s rallies, as well as, the Secret Service rally logs of President Trump’s rallies in 2020.

I suspect those logs if they exist would show the same errors committed by the Secret Service that didn’t trigger an incident. All that said, it would be foolish to rule out that someone or some three-letter agency was aware of the previous errors committed by the Secret Service and chose to exploit the weaknesses in the protection of Donald J Trump.

Things I would look for in previous rallies of both Donald J Trump and Joe Biden.

Did the Secret Service identify suspicious persons in previous rallies while allowing the Protectee to appear on the stage?

In previous rallies, were the supporting law enforcement agencies unable to communicate directly by radio with the Secret Service?

Did the Secret Service leave high-ground positions unguarded in previous rallies of Donald J Trump and Joe Biden?

Did the Secret Service ignore citizens’ warnings at previous rallies?

If the answers are yes to most of these questions, I would assume there wasn’t a conspiracy afoot to assassinate Donald J Trump. However, if the answers to all of these questions were no, I would suspect there was a plan to assassinate Donald J Trump which would warrant a full investigation.