Hollywood, I have questions!

I am undecided whether the screenwriters are stupid or whether they believe the citizenry are uneducated intellectual midgets. I have these questions because of what I have noticed throughout the years in the movies that Hollywood churns out.In the latest iteration of Frank Herbert's movie, "Dune," I noticed that the writers disregarded Sir Isaac Newton's third law of motion, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." We see this violation in a scene where the Harkonnen Guards are hunting the Fremen because of the Fremen's disruption of Spice production. The Harkonnen Guards are closing…

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The nation’s Praetorian Guard saves the Republic.

This is a short screenplay in which the United States Secret Service [ USSS ] saves the nation. The characters: USSS site supervisor, David Buttons.USSS agent Stephen Harris.USSS agent Karm Luplen.FBI lawyer Matt Luplen.FBI Counterintelligence Assistant Director Frank Thompson.FBI  Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, Karen Norris. ACT IMorning muster, shift change in Delaware at the home of Joe Biden.David Buttons: Last night there was small arms fire within blocks from the residence. Local police were unable to locate the person or persons responsible. Death threats are a continuing concern. The woman in the photo is Karen…

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Amidst mounting evidence of election fraud, Biden refuses to concede.

This page is intended to be your one-stop for the latest updates to election fraud. This page will be updated as evidence emerges. Questions:Is it likely that Trump increased his share in the minority communities and Trump lost a sizable share of his base even though Trump did everything he had promised?With 98% approval from Republicans, is it likely that Trump would have lost his base just in key battleground states?Is it likely that Biden could eclipse Obama's popular vote by ten million votes without election fraud?After four years of the media and the Democrats calling Trump…

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Election fraud; how much, and who did it?

This writer doesn't believe either vote totals are accurate for either Trump or Biden. There must be some fraud on both sides. The question is how much and if there was enough to change the results of the election? The media and the Democrats have been portraying Trump as a dictator and the second coming of Hitler for the last four years. That is the strongest motivation to cheat in this election to save the country. On the other side, there was a belief that the election would be rigged in the favor of Biden. That was also…

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The many factors

I suspect this will be my final report. I will explain why President Trump wasn't elected to a second term. The slow-moving disaster began at the brunch immediately after Donald Trump took the oath of office for the presidency. Hillary and Bill Clinton were at the table close to Donald Trump as he spoke. Trump said Hillary Clinton was a good person and that he had no interest in seeing her prosecuted. That was a colossal mistake which led to Robert Mueller torturing Trump for two and one-half years. I wrote to President Trump and urged him…

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Biden’s lies at the final debate

Biden told numerous lies during the debate. We will only show the most egregious ones. To be fair, during the debate, President Trump quoted Biden as calling Blacks "Super Predators". It was Hillary Clinton who called young Black men "Super Predators". However, Biden did on the Senate's floor refer to young Black men in gangs as "Predators" during his 1994 crime bill speech. @POTUS, Rat bastard @Joebiden can't keep his facts straight from his lies.The witnesses that did testify BEFORE the impeachment trial expressed grave concerns that there was an appearance of impropriety because Joe was in charge…

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America’s first idiot president.

This writer will showcase Biden's idiocy in videos where Biden makes ridiculous claims that people with minuscule amounts of common sense would find disqualifying for the presidency. If you are a "Never-Trumper"; think to yourself, is Biden more honest than Trump? Is Biden smarter than Trump? Who between Biden and Trump puts our country first?  This is an amusing short video that showcases Biden's lack of situational awareness. Number 1, There wasn't a valid reason for wearing this mask. The people to whom he is speaking to are over ten feet away from him. Number 2, Masks…

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The parasitical Bidens

That burning pain America has been feeling is the toxin this tick family has been using to suck the blood out of American families. It gets even worse, this tick family invited foreign bloodsuckers to feast upon you. While the Biden family lived the high life selling off your high paying jobs, you suffered not knowing why your job[s] disappeared.  In Scott Adams' clinic on how to spot liars and the guilty, Mr. Adams lays out responses from them: "There is no evidence." "You haven't any witnesses." and others. Biden's answer points toward his guilt. No clean answer…

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Harris condones Joe’s rapist behavior

Harris' about-face on her stance to believe all women is astonishing. In this first video, we hear Harris say she believes Judge Kavanaugh's sexual assault accuser before she hears any testimony or views any evidence. Thus, Harris holds to the me-too credo to believe all women who accuse of sexual assault.  Meanwhile, Harris turns a blind eye toward the after-the-fact witnesses and the investigative findings in the Tara Reade rape case against Joe Biden. Harris denied Brent Kavanaugh his due process and yet she ignores this video evidence of Joe Biden molesting little girls. Joe is about…

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Covid-19 strikes the White House

It cannot be ruled out that this was an assassination in progress/attempt against President Trump. In 2016, an assassination attempt was made against then, candidate Trump in Nevada. Curiously, Obama's Justice Department declined to charge the would-be assassin with attempted murder even though the assassin did confess. The assassin was charged with the disruption of an official event and an illegal alien in possession of a firearm. After a short prison stay, the assassin was deported. This writer is of the belief that the Intelligence Agencies at the behest of the Democrats at the least did manipulate…

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The truth about Trump’s tax returns

For Mark V. Mark V.; the leakers and the New York Times unwittingly did President Trump a solid. In 2016, then, candidate Donald J. Trump disclosed at the last debate that he hadn't paid federal income taxes for many years because of business losses that he was entitled to deduct against his income. Mark V.; the solid is in the fact that the tax returns show no evidence of crimes. This writer knew there were no crimes because Mueller's team went over the tax returns. Moreover, if there had been evidence of crimes, the IRS would have…

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VP Biden to the troops: “You stupid Bastards”

“Clap for that you stupid bastards come on now. Man, you’re all a dull bunch, must be slow here man.” The irony is that Biden started by bragging himself-up as to how he has great judgment. This writer applies the Trump test to Biden's haranguing for applause from the Troops. If President Trump had said what Biden had said, the media along with the Democrats would have called for Donald J. Trump's crucifixion. Oh, to be sure, Biden was kidding with the Troops, however, it is never a good idea to force applause from a group by…

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Trump has earned your vote for reelection

President Trump has kept his promises to the voters. Before his presidency, the civilized world was being attacked by Islamic terrorists every month if not biweekly. Trump fired the generals until he found an aggressive soldier. Trump unleashed our military by lifting Obama's ridiculous rules of engagement. The Islamic caliphate state is no more. The fearmongering alarmist said Trump would start WWIII if elected. Trump brought us back from the brink of a nuclear war with North Korea and China. President Trump is the first president who has set foot in North Korea.President Trump hasn't started any new…

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Newsom: California’s worst governor ever

Newsom is both morally and intellectually bankrupt. Newson is so blinded by his party's dogma that he can't see cause and effect. California's homeless population isn't due to a housing shortage. Drug addiction accounts for the bulk of the homeless population and the remainder is mental illness issues and a loss of employment. Newsom won't address the drug problem that is a blight to the citizens of his state.I just found out that homeless placed in hotels in SF are being delivered Alcohol, Weed and Methadone because they identified as an addict/alcoholic for FREE. You're supposed to…

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Biden awoke the Juggernaut to his doom

The Juggernaut is a mythical being that once roused is unstoppable. When Biden placed that ad that slandered the President at the expense of our soldiers, Donald J. Trump's Juggernaut was awoken that resides within him. In 2016, Trump was a Juggernaut in that he often held three rallies in three different states on the same day. Meanwhile, in the Hamptons, Clinton drank herself stupid, often for weeks at a time. Donald Trump outworked Clinton in 2016 and President Trump will outwork Biden now in 2020. Mister @mattgaetz, the Juggernaut has awoken! pic.twitter.com/j874o75OrR— DC Document Reports (@PacificReports) September…

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Woodward’s recording of President Trump

This article is of such importance because it may save Donald J. Trump's reelection bid. Woodward's interview recordings show President Trump said privately that the coronavirus is "deadly" while publicly he minimized the threat. First off, if this writer is being objective, Mister President, why on God's green earth would you allow yourself to be recorded by Bob Woodward saying that privately? That's a huge unforced error.Fortunately, there isn't any evidence the President impeeded our government's response. On the contrary, President Trump blocked travel to and from China and later Europe. President Trump held a presser yesterday…

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Did sexism ultimately cause this?

This reporting person has noted that in a year of time there haven't been shootings of unarmed Black men nor any incidences of excessive force by female police officers that made the national news. Is it possible that the current problem of race relations with law enforcement could be solved by only having frontline female law enforcement officers? No! This reporting person wrote a paper in 1982 that noted women are generally inferior physically to men and thereby, female police officers have to over escalate their use of force to affect their arrest of male suspects. In this…

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Joy Reid is an awful person

Not only is Reid an awful person, but she is also dangerous. What makes Reid dangerous are these qualities; Reid is extremely intelligent. Reid was educated at Harvard University. Reid has a high-level of charisma. Reid has mastered the art of persuasion. This writer was unaware of Reid's existence until a court filing against her was brought to the attention of this writer. In this writer's opinion, Reid did set-out to foment the murder of Roslyn La Liberte for political motives. Ironically, the title on the screenshot is exactly what Joe Biden is doing to win the…

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Newsom is just too dangerous

Newsom's good looks and charming ways mask the continuing threat he poses to California and the planet. Make no mistake in underestimating Newsom's ambition for power. It is likely that Newsom will run for the presidency in 2024. Newsom has demonstrated a willingness to violate the civil liberties of millions of citizens under his authority. In Sacramento County, the Sheriff is refusing to enforce Newson's unconstitutional edict[s]. Newsom tried to violate the constitutional right[s] of President Trump and the millions of eligible voters in California. Newsom imposed an unconstitutional test upon Donald Trump for him to appear…

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Joe’s campaign yoked to terrorists

When one types antifa.com into the web browser, Joe Biden's campaign comes up. You see donation amounts on the page. This appears to be a funding mechanism for terrorism. This may explain why no Democrat Party Official has denounced Antifa's violence.  If Joe Biden's campaign is funneling campaign donations to Antifa, then Biden is directly responsible for the recent attack on Rand Paul [ a U.S. Senator ] and the attack on Alice Johnson who Trump pardoned after commuting her life sentence.Senator @RandPaul and company gets attacked outside the White House last night.‘Many of these rioters were…

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Joe as Commander in Chief, no thanks

If you want your daughter to be raped, tortured, and beheaded, then vote for Joe Biden. Obama and Biden stood by and allowed ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to rape and torture Kayla Mueller for eighteen months. Kayla endured this horror only to have her head cut off with a knife. I have seen two beheadings. In Saudi Arabia, a sword is used. The person who has committed a capital crime is hooded. The executioner swings the sword so fast that the person doesn't feel the blow and is instantly killed.By contrast, ISIS uses a slow method to…

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Giveaways; when you donate to Trump’s campaign

You are on the honor system. Please donate $10.00 or more to President Trump's campaign for reelection after you download. One PDF is for a TOP SECRET salsa recipe. The other PDF is for a Mexican fish style dish. The campaign site>https://www.donaldjtrump.comThe Mexican fish plate topped with the TOP SECRET salsa and capers. Mark gives step by step instructions for the salsa and the Mexican fish dish. Important, 1 pepper for medium.Download TOP SECRET salsa here> https://www.dcdocumentreports.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/TOP-SECRET-SALSA-1.pdf Download Mexican fish dish here>https://www.dcdocumentreports.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Mex-fish.pdf

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President Trump’s answer to the question of Q

President Trump navigated this gotcha question that was meant to alienate a segment of the voters with brilliance, in my opinion. Ben Shapiro said publicly that Trump blundered his answer. That shows why Ben isn't the president and Trump is because he has the skills to avoid a trap. Scott Adams was in my camp. Scott went into great detail about how brilliant was Trump's answer. Scott is of the opinion that the belief in Q has become a religion. I agree with Scott. I have tried in vain to explain there is no person[s] that have…

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Match Dems’ TREACHERY act for act

The above is an extreme example of what the Dems would never except. In the above, President Trump doesn't answer the Dems' fraud in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Nebraska. The other way to out cheat the Dems is to join in their fraud by overstuffing the mail-in votes for Biden by a whopping 300% of the eligible voter rolls in key states.Either method would trigger a redo election at the polls where elections are supposed to be decided. This Covid-19 virus feign of concern by the Dems is just a smokescreen for…

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