Will the real Joe Biden please step forward.

Biden has a history of escalating corruption and position change to suit his political ambitions. We present a collection of video clips on his change on border security and immigration policy. At the end of this article, we will provide a link to our article that shows he's a well meaning racist, the second worst kind. BIDEN:UNDOCUMENTED PEOPLE ARE ALREADY AMERICANSJoe Biden at a Rotary club in 2006. Oh, my, how he's changed his tune!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAH3hc-_arMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15djRzWG3_0 Joe Biden Says U.S. Obligated to Give Free Healthcare to 'Undocumented' Immigrants.Oh, my, Joe calls them illegal aliens and he's promoting a…

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AOC doesn’t rule out murder to combat climate change.

Constituent to AOC: “We’re not going to be here for much longer, because of the climate crisis," the woman pleaded. "We only have a few months left. I love that you support the Green Deal, but it’s not gonna get rid of fossil fuel. It’s not going to solve the problem fast enough. A Swedish professor said we can eat dead people, but it’s not fast enough! So, I think your next campaign slogan needs to be this: We’ve got to start eating babies."The Constituent continued: "All of you!" "You’re a pollutant! Too much Co2. We have to start now. Please —…

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The Deep-State strikes back.

What struck me about this complaint is that it wasn't written by the Complainant; the document was written by a first tier lawyer(s) with a funded research staff. It is doubtful that one person had contacts with all these people from the State Department and the White House. If the Complainant had these contacts, then the call logs, emails, and or visitor logs would reveal the Complainant's identity easily. I further doubt that those contacts were made away from agencies. Most people, after a day's work, want get home right away to fulfill their obligations to their…

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Yes, the wall is reducing climate change.

Yes, the illegal crossing of our Southern border impacts climate change. A key principle is the production of a commodity always chases the demand. Oil production was at zero before the introduction of the internal combustion engine. Coal production was nearly at zero before the advent of the steam engine. Uranium production was at zero before the advent of nuclear reactors. And food production has chased demand as the world's population of humans have increased.Cause and effect play an undeniable role in climate change. My class was asked in college; if a raisin is dropped on a vacant bridge,…

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The U.S. is showing China weakness.

On November 4, 1979, a group of Iranian students stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 American hostages. They were released after being in captivity for 444 days. I was a Junior in high school in 1979. I had many friends who were female and citizens of Iran at school. They dressed like us. The Iranian males were small and I did not like one of them. After a few months, President Jimmy Carter expelled all Iranian citizens from the U.S. I still wonder what happen to my Iranian girlfriends to this day. I was so angry…

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Our war with the communist government of China.

We'll come back to Xi Jinping, but first I'll take you on a romp through the achievements of the communist government. This government under the leadership of Mao Zedong in 1966-1976 during the cultural revolution killed 60 million of their own citizens through forced starvation of the old and infirmed. This government also executed anyone who was perceived as an intellectual. During this time, Xi Jinping's father was purged from the party and was forced to live in a cave. In 1989, this government sent tanks and 300,000 thousand soldiers to kill protesters that were occupying Tiananmen square.…

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Warren cheats Native Americans again!

Warren's apology was missing an element that made her apology meaningless and insincere. Warren offered no restitution with her apology in Sioux City before the Native Americans. It is possible that Warren's theft of tribal rights status meant that tribal members were excluded from a position at her colleges and her place of employment. An example: A person steals a car, they are found out, but they do not return the car nor do they pay the injured party the value of the car. The person only offers, I'm sorry. Warren is a multi-millionaire. Warren is seeking…

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CNN triples-down after Trump’s backhanded compliment.

There is no doubt in our minds that Brian Stelter and CNN are trying to prod someone in the country to kill President Trump. If a leader was the combination of Mao, Hitler, and Stalin, then a citizen would be justified in the killing of that leader. Brian Stelter says he didn't know what the guest was going to say and he had troubles with his ear-piece. However, CNN did promote this interview afterward. We don't believe Brian Stelter and we are calling him out as a liar. We are also calling out Brian Stelter as a…

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Chosen one? Yes, he is, I voted for him.

I have a perfect presidential voting record. My voting record started with Reagan. Every person who I voted for has been elected. President Trump is one of two men in my life so far that are the right person for their moment in time. Despite all of President Carter's failures, he was our nation's savior in one critical moment. Jimmy Carter had worked with Admiral Rickover to miniaturize nuclear reactors for the use in submarines. When the Three Mile Island nuclear plant was on the verge of a melt-down, President Carter told the engineers to send him…

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Patrick Byrne’s account rings as true from the documents in our possession.

We judge Byrne believes he is not lying. Whether what he's saying is accurate is another question. Going on the assumption that his account is accurate, then it fits into our theory that is supported by three documents. 1. Byrne claims the FBI's leadership wanted to blackmail Hillary Clinton. 2. Espionage activities that were conducted by the FBI did start well before the date of July 31st, 2016. 3. These espionage targets were the campaigns of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump. We would be remiss not to entertain the possibility for confirmation-bias on our part,…

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Peter Strzok: A sub-par past FBI agent.

Strzok called Trump an idiot, the opposite is true. 12/13/2017  I watched Rosenstein testimony today. We got a clear view into the mind of FBI agent Peter Strzok. The emails and text he sent to his FBI mistress were filled with deranged hatred for Donald Trump. We also learned that Andrew McCabe with Strzok and other high ranking officials within the FBI weaponized the Russian dossier as an insurance policy in their belief to guarantee a win for Hillary Clinton. Strzok by cheating on his wife opened himself up to blackmail. When it was discovered that he was having…

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Post Jeffrey Epstein’s death: Has a cover-up begun?

Scott Adams, the cartoonist, is siding with the explanation of government incompetency as to how Jeffrey Epstein managed to kill himself. I believe there are bigger ramifications in play. In either of the cases I listed on the title plate, it begs the question; If the Federal Government couldn't protect Jeffery Epstein from himself or from others while they had him in their custody, then why shouldn't we see the Federal Government as a collective of incompetency or conspirators? At the time, he was the most famous person in the United States. In keeping with the Federal…

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Biden is a second-tier racist.

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Biden's id-[subconscious] has been screaming at us for years that he's a racist. Those gaffes are Biden's id telling us of his true nature. Biden is the second worst kind of a racist in that he believes people of color are inferior and must be attended to in order for them to prosper. We all know Biden meant brown kids instead of poor kids. This was Biden's attempt to cheer on brown children to strive beyond his perceived limitations of them. We see Biden try in vain to cover-up what his id blurted out in the following video…

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Mueller to his crew: Damn the red flags, full speed ahead.

Generally speaking as people age, they become more cautious of what risk they subject themselves to. Mueller disregarded so many red flags in this investigation, that I can't help but wonder how reckless he was in Vietnam when lives were in his charge. We needed bold leaders, not reckless leaders. The two elements of a conspiracy: Two or more people. An overt act. People may talk about burning a church down without committing a crime. The overt act may be a legal act that completes the elements for the conspiracy. An example: An FBI informant penetrates a group…

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Destroy the Democratic Party, it’s time.

Even though I knew that my vote for Donald Trump in 2016 would not help toward the effort to elect Donald Trump, I still drug my amyotrophic lateral sclerosis riddle body to the polls to vote. Only by God's grace do I still endure to vote again. It makes me so angry that Gavin Newsom has stolen God's-given right from me to vote for whom I desire. Newsom is no different than the Democrats that instituted poll taxes to prevent newly freed slaves from voting. Newsom has cut off his nose to spite his face when he…

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Maria is Missouri’s shame.

She wrote this on her Facebook page in 2017. Maria is an official in Missouri's Congress then and now. A case could be made that Maria was calling for the assassination of President as she is a government official of Missouri. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L-3k9Mr4Og The interesting ramifications of Maria Chappelle-Nadal's death threat. 8/25/2017When Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal(MCN) issued a death threat to the President of the United States, she did follow James Comey's example as to how to usurp authority. Comey usurped the authority of the Department of Justice to shield Crooked Hillary from any persecution for her espionage…

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Mueller committed perjury during his report hearing!

Important dates: 7/31/2016 FBI agent Peter Strzok opens a counterintelligence operation against candidate Donald Trump, code-named, Crossfire-Hurricane.10/21/2016 FBI Director James Comey signs the first Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant application to spy on the Trump campaign through Doctor Carter Page.09/25/2017 Roger Stone testifies before the House Intelligence Committee.1/25/2019 Roger Stone is indicted for his alleged false statements to the House Intelligence Committee and alleged witness tampering.3/22/2019 Mueller closes his investigation as to whether President Trump conspired with Russia to hack the DNC's email server-network and give the emails to Wikileaks.Organization 1 is Wikileaks. If Russia had hacked…

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18 U.S. Code § 793 (f) (1) Comey’s & Lynch’s shell game.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. I swore we wouldn't published another article on Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified information scandal. After all, it's 2019 and the two-tiered justice system that still exist, is old news. However, my job is to review testimony transcripts. I'm on Trisha Anderson's testimony, she was a lawyer for the FBI in the National Security Division. Here is her testimony that struck me. My comments will be in bold, within her testimony.Q I guess if -- what I'm trying to understand is, if there was a real problem with…

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FBI FOIA request: Emails to/from Director Mueller to/Secretary Clinton.

THE ATTACHMENT Mister President, Hillary Clinton was emailing every high official in the Obama administration. There's no reason to believe that she didn't exchange emails with Mueller also. This goes toward my investigation that the FBI had knowledge of Hillary Clinton's server at the highest levels and did nothing to prevent the breaches of national security. Please direct the FOIA officer at the FBI to confirm or deny the existence of emails between Mueller and Clinton, at the least. Of course, the holy grail would be classified emails. This discovery would help you too. Always faithful, Mark…

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DOJ/FBI: We show how-why Hillary & others should’ve been prosecuted.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. In this alternate past, I am the Director of the FBI and Sammy is the Attorney General. I must bring you, the reader, up to speed on what had transpired first so you can see the conspiracy. Clinton, through her aides, told the State Department that she didn't use email, hence Clinton refused the State's offer of a government email account. The FBI’s agents & the DOJ’s attorneys looked away when HRC, Mills, Cooper, Sullivan, Abedin, and Combetta lied to them. HRC told two provable lies at her FBI…

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Treasonous presidential candidates

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. A shelter isn't sheltering from the elements without a barrier of some kind, whether it be plastic, canvas, or earth. Likewise, a home can't stand without walls. The candidates shown, have called for the crossing of our nation's borders at any place, without any restrictions. They said on day one of their presidency, there would be an executive proclamation to accomplish this act. I used proclamation instead of order because Congress makes the laws that the President is charged by the constitution to enforce. These candidates are would-be tyrants. Congress enacts the…

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Don’t allow the Democrats to steal our safeguard against their tyranny.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. The Democrats are showing themselves to be the same slave traders of yore. In those days, it was the majority's tyranny that beset the African slaves. In each and every case that was brought before the Supreme Court on the behalf of a slave, that court of the majority ruled against the slave and in the favor of the majority. Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, "democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for dinner." That is why the framers of the…

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Nancy Pelosi: An agent of the drug cartels?

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. There is a distinct possibility that Nancy Pelosi is working for the organized criminal cartels in Mexico. She says no one is above the law when referring to President Trump, however, she doesn't apply this truth to the millions who have overstayed their VISAs or crossed the United States' border illegally. Pelosi is in defiance of the courts' orders of deportation of criminals and those who haven't shown cause for asylum. Pelosi has said people who are here must never be forced to leave.Even more troubling, Pelosi…

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Stephanopoulos’ gotcha question.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. George asked the President if he were contacted by another government in regards to information on a political opponent, would he take it? There is no law against listening to anyone in our country. The President is the chief law enforcement official in the Executive Branch. By charge in the constitution, the President must enforce the laws passed by Congress. As in President Trump's example, if Norway, a NATO ally, had information on a political opponent, he would have to listen or direct the government's agent to a…

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