Why did Biden vow to put America not first, not second, but last?

If as Joe Biden and his conspirators claim that there wasn't election fraud in his victory is true, that means the voters collectively decided America is best with an ever-dwindling pool of jobs for the common citizens. Let's employ a thought experiment to ascertain why Biden killed the America First policy.Thought ExperimentBiden is a manager at Nova Enterprises [ NE ]. NE performs research and development, as well as, manufacturing. Biden mistakenly believes he is bright enough to be the CEO of the company. Meanwhile, Nova Enterprises' competitor, Pegasus Enterprises [PE], identifies Biden as a useful idiot.…

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Secret communications with President Trump.

This mysterious being from the Milky Way galaxy doesn't speak any of the languages that the natives to this planet speak. It is a testament to President Trump's intelligence that every word communicated by this being was understood by President Trump. This being is housed in a secure area behind a wall. Only one government official has continuing contact with this being from the Milky Way galaxy. President Trump has had this being from the Milky Way galaxy communicate with him no less than seventy times in the last year alone. This Milky Way galaxy inhabitant has…

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Does Biden intend to visit genocide upon the Red States?

Even before the January 6th incident, many mainstream Democratic Party leaders were calling for lists to be compiled of President Trump's voters for the purpose of retribution. The mockingbird media has been amplifying this call for retribution on the individuals that voted for President Trump. The media talking heads are calling on employers to fire those that did vote for President Trump. CNN talking head, Don Lemon said of all people that voted for President Trump are Klansmen. CNN talking head, Brian Stelter said of the same people that they are all terrorists. No Democrat to include…

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My views on Trump, Biden, and the presidential election results.

I will start with Joe Biden. I am on solid ground to write that Joe Biden is a liar, is a plagiarizer, is grossly uninformed, and he is so far in his mental decline that he can't remember important facts and figures. Even more disturbing, there are videos of him touching little girls inappropriately. It's no surprise to me that Joe Biden has shown a total lack of ethics during the election cycle, after all, Joe Biden did cheat his way through law school. And then, he bragged that he was at the top of his class,…

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Nancy Pelosi’s nuclear weapons rhetoric is laughable.

It is increasingly difficult to take Pelosi seriously as the Speaker of the House. Pelosi said of her salon visit that the owner had set her up. Just the other day Pelosi made the public admission that she had spoken to General Milley about her concern about President Trump's ability to launch a nuclear strike. General Milley assured Pelosi that safeguards were in place. How could Pelosi not know this fact? A brief history lesson: Not since President Truman has a president had the authority to command a nuclear strike on his lone volition. Truman did this…

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What did the Democrats expect after what they had done?

Firstly, don't be too hard on Mike Pence. Pence's hands were tied constitutionally to accept the elector's votes from the contested states once the House and the Senate had voted to accept the elector's votes. Pence had no choice but to record those votes. It was too far in the system's process for Pence to act. Moreover, if Pence hadn't accepted the elector's votes, the Supreme Court would have ruled Pence's actions as unconstitutional. I believe that the Democrats were hoping that Pence would reject those elector's votes so they could begin litigation against Pence. When I…

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Where is the diversity in the Biden Family?

I will write from the Democrat's justice warrior dogma playbook. Joe Biden said in 2019 that our nation has systemic racism across the board. Joe Biden is picking his administration members wholly based on the people's skin color and their sexual preferences. Joe Biden says he will lead from the front. When Joe Biden's first wife died, why didn't he marry a woman that was a person of color?  Or, a transgender woman, and, or, a man?  Joe Biden has said love is love no matter who one loves.  Joe Biden passed on his bigotry to his…

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A review of River City Brewing Company’s crispy eggplant Napoleon.

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  • Post category:Foodie

Methodology: I will judge the dish on its appearance, texture, amount, price, components, and taste. I then will rate the dish from 1-5 stars. I will say the servers are always kind and attentive to the restaurant clientele. In the times I have eaten there, it was always a positive experience.  I ordered this dish for takeout. The menu picture in no way resembles what is delivered to the consumer. Where is the artistry of the presentation?  How was I suppose to assemble this dish with six small eggplant slices? This was just plain laziness on the…

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Biden is building a coalition of bigotry for his administration.

It's not surprising that Biden gravitates toward like-minded bigots. Biden has a long history of saying bigoted things. Biden's top bigoted statement, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” This statement gives a clear view into the inner workings of Biden’s mind. What Biden is inferring is that the rest of the Blacks are filthy, stupid, are not well-spoken, are politically radical, and are ugly in appearance in his way of thinking.I wrote on June 21, 2020, in my…

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River City Brewing Company: My ongoing food reviews.

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Methodology: I will judge the dishes on appearance, texture, amount, price, components, and taste. I then will rate the dish from 1-5 stars. I will say the servers are always kind and attentive to the restaurant clientele. In the times I have eaten there, it was always a positive experience. I will begin with the dishes that I ate while there and end with the takeout dishes. I will also give the necessary fixes to a dish if need be. The picture from the online menu does not do this offering justice. The batter coating the fish…

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Biden will betray America in his first 100 days.

In reality, Biden will commit his betrayal on day one. I'm not a mind reader, nor am I a fortune teller. I am, however, a keen Joe Biden observer. Biden said on day one of his presidency that he would kill the America first policy of the previous administration. Biden's rationale for this move he said it makes America alone. Which doesn't make an iota of any sense. Biden can't point to an ally that has forsaken its commitment to America. Nor can he point to countries that are refusing to buy our goods or sell their…

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People of Nancy’s ilk lost their heads in Paris.

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  • Post category:Pandemic

I have stood on the very spot where people like Nancy Pelosi justifiably so faced the blade of the guillotine. Pelosi sat in the lap of luxury eating her decadent ice cream out of her two twenty-thousand dollar refrigerators while people went hungry. Insult to the people's injury; Pelosi for doing nothing, not doing her job as the person who wields the most political power in Washington, all the while, Pelosi was pulling down nearly a quarter-million dollars in her annual salary. Pelosi receives $18,624 a month from the people who she treats as her serfs. I…

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If Gavin Newsom had done his job…

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  • Post category:Covid-19

If the governor had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people. I’m not making this up. Just look at the data. Look at the data. I admit it, I just committed plagiarism. I plagiarized from the law school and Robert F. Kennedy plagiarist, Joe Biden. Biden said that of President Trump. I will apply Biden's and the Democrats' standards to which they applied to President Trump in this article and forthcoming articles.How many people died because Newsom didn't lead by example by not wearing…

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President Trump, prepare to implement operation Wildfire.

President Trump, after much consideration, I have expanded operation Wildfire to include [ redacted ]. I submitted the initial plan to you in the spring of 2019. In the light of all of the death threats from politicians and celebrities to you and your family members, I added a [ redacted ] component to Wildfire.Operation Wildfire: In your last week in the Whitehouse, you issue a pardon to every cabinet member and all of the senior Whitehouse members in your administration. You also issue a pardon for every child of yours, yes, even Barron. And of course,…

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The election workers fell into the trap of the tyranny class.

It was an example of 3-D chess play by the tyranny class. How could this class make the election workers in the key swing states willing dupes in election fraud? Their plan; step 1, paint the President as the second coming of Adolf Hitler. Step 2, paint the President's Republican supporters as dangerous white supremacists. Looking back, it all becomes clear to this writer. An example, in 2018, the tyranny class used the useful idiots in the Democratic Party to protest at Border Patrol detention facilities. The useful idiots proclaimed that the facilities were no different than…

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Cynthia Johnson asked our military to kill its own citizens.

Let's examine what the Michigan Representative said in her Facebook video post.Johnson said, “This is just a warning to you Trumpers, be careful, walk lightly, we ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough. For those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right, be in order, make them pay.” Johnson, when asked about her statement, she said the following; “They’ve given me more time to do what I need to do, and that is to help people. So thank you for making me nationally known. Thank you for…

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Mark’s last adventure.

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  • Post category:Adventure

It was the summer of 2008. I had been sent to Cal Fire's base in the city of Ukiah. I had the goal of paying off our home's mortgage. As I had done in summers past, I saved the per diam that I received by not renting an apartment. I instead slept in the wilderness. My duty cycle was 15 hours a day and I was only allotted one day off every week. And my wife was insistent that I would come home on my day off each week. It seemed money foolish to rent an apartment…

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Joe and Kamala are worthy of your hatred.

Both Kamala and Joe painted half the country as neo-Nazis for voting for then, candidate Donald Trump even before the Charlottesville incident. Note; President Trump didn't praise those neo-Nazis at Charlottesville as very fine people. Joe, Kamala, and the Leftist media lied to you. Joe and Kamala in doing so caused the murders and mayhems of people who were thought to be Republicans that had voted for President Trump. Neither Joe nor Kamala did denounce this violence until October of 2020.Now Joe and Kamala are calling for unity. But wait, why would the Democrats want to unite…

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This election fraudster has the unmitigated gall to say…

Biden said, for the good of the country, Trump should attend my inauguration. Lest you think that I am engaging in libel with the title of this article, read my quote from Biden. Biden said on October 24th, 2020, quote, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Neither Biden nor his campaign did walk-back that admission. So much for the notion of the citizens' sacrosanct right to uncorrupted elections.You are wondering why Biden would say that admission? Biden can't help himself not to speak…

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If President Biden does the following, he has betrayed you.

This is being written under the assumption that the election fraud will be disregarded by the courts and the electoral college. If Biden takes the oath of the presidency with his direct knowledge of the election fraud conspiracy, not only has he betrayed you, he will become an enemy of the Republic. Lest you think that I am mindreading Biden, I am not! Biden said on October 24th, 2020, quote, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Neither Biden nor his campaign did correct…

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America learned what did matter in the 2020 election.

Biden's past job performance didn't matter.Trump's past job performance didn't matter.What Biden did against Blacks didn't matter.What Trump did for Blacks didn't matter.Biden's insults toward the voters didn't matter.Trump's praising of the voters didn't matter.Biden's lack of stumping for votes didn't matter.Trump's holding three or more rallies six days a week didn't matter.Biden's apparent corruption didn't matter.Biden's inappropriate touching of little girls didn't matter.Biden's accusers of sexual assault didn't matter.Biden's racist statements didn't matter.Biden's gaffes didn't matter. Biden's obvious lies didn't matter.Biden's confusion didn't matter.Trump's love for his country and the love expressed by the citizens for Trump…

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Madonna will want to blow up Joe’s White House too if consistent.

Madonna said on national television before a crowd of thousands of people shortly after Trump had moved into the White House, "I've been thinking a lot about blowing up the White House." I was shocked at her wanton disregard for human life. Her hatred for Trump was so profound that she had contemplated killing hundreds of people who work at the White House to satiate her blood lust for Donald Trump. Madonna was even willing to kill a child, Barron Trump, who was just ten years old at that time.I could list off a litany of Hollywood…

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The nation’s Praetorian Guard saves the Republic.

This is a short screenplay in which the United States Secret Service [ USSS ] saves the nation. The characters: USSS site supervisor, David Buttons.USSS agent Stephen Harris.USSS agent Karm Luplen.FBI lawyer Matt Luplen.FBI Counterintelligence Assistant Director Frank Thompson.FBI  Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, Karen Norris. ACT IMorning muster, shift change in Delaware at the home of Joe Biden.David Buttons: Last night there was small arms fire within blocks from the residence. Local police were unable to locate the person or persons responsible. Death threats are a continuing concern. The woman in the photo is Karen…

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Amidst mounting evidence of election fraud, Biden refuses to concede.

This page is intended to be your one-stop for the latest updates to election fraud. This page will be updated as evidence emerges. Questions:Is it likely that Trump increased his share in the minority communities and Trump lost a sizable share of his base even though Trump did everything he had promised?With 98% approval from Republicans, is it likely that Trump would have lost his base just in key battleground states?Is it likely that Biden could eclipse Obama's popular vote by ten million votes without election fraud?After four years of the media and the Democrats calling Trump…

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