Stephanopoulos’ gotcha question.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. George asked the President if he were contacted by another government in regards to information on a political opponent, would he take it? There is no law against listening to anyone in our country. The President is the chief law enforcement official in the Executive Branch. By charge in the constitution, the President must enforce the laws passed by Congress. As in President Trump's example, if Norway, a NATO ally, had information on a political opponent, he would have to listen or direct the government's agent to a…

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AOC’s cowardly inactions for the children.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, "The United States is running concentration camps on our Southern border, that's exactly what they are." "I want to talk to the people that are concerned enough with humanity, to say, never again, means something."Just when I thought AOC could not top her outlandish claim that climate change is our WWII, she makes this claim. No matter what her defenders say in her defense, they can't spin her meaning. AOC gave no alternate interpretation possibilities for her defenders.  Bear with me while I directly ask AOC some questions, please.  1. Where are the ovens used to burn…

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DOJ/FBI concealed breaches of national security from the IG.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched by Mark Pullen. 6/2018 We reviewed the Inspector General's report on the FBI's handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation. The first point of fact is the investigation wasn't an email and computer server investigation. It was an investigation into the handling of classified information. Jonathan Moffa's closed-door testimony piqued our interest to revisit the Inspector General's report. We confirmed what we had already known from our first review. See Moffa's testimony below.  We found two discrepancies in the report. In the FBI's report, it records Hillary Clinton didn't secure residences' Sensitive…

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Stupid & dishonest DOJ/FBI employees.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. I am reviewing FBI deputy assistant director, intelligence analyst, Jonathan Moffa's testimony. The questioning always comes back to the red-herring chase of intent in these testimonies. The discussion came to the point of proving willfulness to break the law. How to prove willfulness when a person sent classified content over the internet that wasn't marked as classified.Hillary Clinton and others sent TOP SECRET SPECIAL ACCESS intelligence over the internet. You can see from these two FBI report pages that this was not a one time mistake. This report…

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Selective enforcement has invalidated U.S.C. 1001.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched by Mark Pullen. In this article, we will cover the FBI’s cover-up of violations of 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 at the direction of the Department of Justice. We will cast doubt on Special Agent Peter Strzok’s memory on his interviewing of Michael Flynn. We will cast doubt that Michael Flynn did knowingly make a false statement to FBI agents, Peter Strzok and Joseph Pientka. One of two lies that Hillary Clinton told to FBI agents. This lie is as bad as her, we landed under sniper fire, lie, in that there…

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No one is above the law?

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. The Democrats in Congress keep repeating the mantra, "no one is above the law" in their attacks against the President. I will not address if the President is acting criminally as they proclaim. I will take their word that no one is above the law. All those who have committed perjury before Congress shall be arrested. All those who have given access to classified intelligence to unauthorized persons shall be arrested. Every person who has sent classified information to the Clinton Foundation shall be arrested. Every person…

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Our analysis of Biden’s candidacy.

Published by Chief Editor Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. First, I address Biden's promise of curing cancer. Cancer is seen today less as a disease of specific organs, and more as one of molecular mechanisms caused by the mutation of specific genes. That means the fault lies within the host. Of course, environmental causalities contribute to cancer rates as well as behaviors. We are decades away from the beginnings of modifying the genomes of humans. Then there is the outcry on the principle of creating an elite genetic class. Wealthy people and the political class will be…

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FBI=Falsifiers’ Bureau of Imbeciles

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen. I am angry at the corruption that I find daily in government reports about the FBI and the reports that the FBI publishes. This 302 was the last straw for me. Mister President, disband the FBI with the exception of the laboratory technicians. Increase the scope of the United States Marshals' mission to fill the vacuum.I saw this account typed the FBI's report on Clinton's handling of classified information, but to see it in the agent's handwriting was too much for me. Cooper along with…

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Our analysis of Ohr’s testimony.

Published by Chief Editor Sammy Campbell. Researched by Mark Pullen. The reason Glenn Simpson didn't want to meet with FBI agents is he could have been held criminally libel for passing known false information to a law enforcement officer.  See Simpson's testimony. The dossier's information was used in surveillance warrant application{s}. If Special Agent Mike Gaeta couldn't recognize Russian propaganda he should be fired.  Totally false allegations. We will display pages from Mueller's report next. It occurred to us that this accusation of Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele is easily proven false with a little thought. Spies'…

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Blackmail: The FBI’s double-standard of concern.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen. I had a security clearance from the Department of Defense through the '80s. During my briefing for my clearance, they explained how the enemy intelligence services work to compromise people with access to classified information. Blackmail is a leading choice for them.  They told me homosexuality wasn't a disqualifier as long as the person admitted their homosexuality on the security form so they couldn't be blackmailed. I was asked if I was a homosexual. I said no. They told no one ever got rich from selling secrets.…

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FBI/NSA surveillance abuse from 2015 to 2017.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen. FISA: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ActFISC: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Carter Page surveillance Before Comey admitted the usage of the Steele dossier in the FISA warrant application, I confirmed the usage in two direct ways. 1. I compared passages from the dossier to what was represented in the application. The same accounts with the unique verbiage appeared in both the dossier and the application. 2. I looked at the pages of redacted paragraphs in the application and looked at paragraph patterns in the dossier. I am reasonably…

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Loretta Lynch lied, obstructed for Hillary Clinton.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written and researched by Mark Pullen I  was surprised to see this in Lynch's testimony. Lynch's testimony is not supported by then, FBI employees, Lisa Page's and Peter Strzok's testimony, in fact, their testimony impeaches Lynch's testimony. Page's and Strzok's testimony is supported by their perceived private text messages.The perjury line is: "I had not had input in any decisions that were going to lead it one way or the other." This testimony of Strzok's is supported by the false statement made by the Midyear Exam team to the Inspector General's investigators. Also,…

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Our analysis of Maddow’s interview with Clinton.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. MSNBC did not approve of our analysis. They removed the full interview from the playlist.Please play the video for the time-stamps displayed below. We found this replacement. 6:30 Barr did not write in his memo that a president can't obstruct justice. In fact, Barr cited several instances that a president would be guilty of this crime. What Barr wrote was that a president can't obstruct justice by exercising the powers of the presidency. However, Barr continued, if a president exercised his presidential powers with corrupt intent, then…

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Executive order 38912418514

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. We viewed several CNN reports of people who crossed our Southern border illegally. Point one: These adults are bringing children with them in the commission of a crime when they crossed the border, not at a port of entry. Point two: These adults often have endangered the children lives or have subjected the children to extreme hardships. A trek of a thousand miles or more on foot. The children often go days without food and water that is found is not clean to drink. We propose the…

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Restore the rule of law, indict Hillary Clinton.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen. It is astounding how little Hillary Clinton is in her self-awareness. Just the other day, she was lecturing a crowd that we must restore the rule of law by impeaching President Trump. I asked our Editor to reprint this short article as a result of what I had heard. Game, set and match against Hillary Clinton. by Mark Pullen 7/31/2017 I was reviewing a WikiLeaks product, John Podesta had sent Hillary Clinton the current lies spun by the campaign for Hillary to memorize regarding her…

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Griffin tried to incite the murder of our President.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen. I was hesitant to reprint this article until I saw Griffin lying to these people.Go to the time-stamps, please.7:38 Man: I knew the backlash you would receive. Why put yourself through that over Donald Trump?Griffin: You have to stand up.If you continue listening you will hear Griffin say she had worked for Donald Trump on two occasions. If Trump was so horrible, then why did she take his money for employment? 8:18 Woman: Did you really anticipate the backlash, It would be that bad?Griffin: no.…

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Bill Maher: He’s a threat to comedy & humanity.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen.Bill Maher uses profanity, so be warned not to continue if you are at work or around small children. I, by chance, heard his monologue and I felt compelled to respond and dig into his life. I will present his monologue, and then, I will respond to his points. Maher states as fact that President Trump is crazy. I haven't seen any evidence of that condition in President Trump in his public appearances. Scott Adams and Lionel, of Lionel Nation, have both met privately with President…

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Next move, Mister President?

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. Your supporter, Scott Adams, said on his periscope broadcast that if you did nothing to address the coup attempt to overthrow the government, you don't deserve to be reelected.Adams is right in one sense. The people who led the effort to remove you from the presidency were not acting without support from others who have yet to be discovered. I anticipate that these people will do their best to interfere with your reelection. Those people who supported Brennan, Clapper, and Comey are still in place at the…

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Mueller’s motto: Facts don’t matter.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen Mueller didn't seek the accurate facts then, he didn't seek them now. Our declaration: We have no opinion as to who hacked or downloaded the DNC's documents that Wikileaks released. Mueller states as fact that GRU Russian officers hacked the DNC's server(s). Where did Mueller get this information? In no place in his report does it record that any government law enforcement agency did examine the server(s). We see on this page that he relied on a contractor, CrowdStrike, for this information. Why wouldn't the…

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Confirmed: AG Lynch perjured herself before Congress.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen We draw your attention to Lynch's answer: "The Department of Justice had no input into it." Lynch had so structured the investigation that the FBI could not recommend any charges. See Lisa Page's testimony in this article. Lynch continues: "My view has always been that the team working on this did their work independently and without any political influence." We draw your attention to Agent Strzok's text message that is labeled 1. The Department of Justice by narrowing the scope of the Hillary Clinton email investigation…

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CONFIRMED: James Comey lied to the surveillance court.

We want to know how Comey can explain this page from Mueller's report? There was no evidence that was discovered that showed Carter Page was conspiring with the Russians. See Comey's signature on the surveillance warrant application. That statement above his signature means he signed this under penalty of perjury that to his knowledge the information in the application was accurate and truthful.  What do we have here? James Comey lied under oath and said Carter Page was a Russian spy. Comey did this so he could spy on the Trump campaign for Hillary Clinton. See our…

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Show some respect! He is the President!!

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen I didn't know much on this subject. I read many articles on this subject. Many of the articles conflicted with the other articles. I then read the president's powers as laid out in Article II of the Constitution. Finally, I read William Barr's memo to Rod Rosenstein on the subject of obstruction of justice by a president. The memo is nineteen pages long. Barr usage of Latin phrases made the review slow. I was skeptical that Barr's memo's preamble could be proved as accurate in…

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Our response to Adam Schiff.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen. While it's true, the hacking of Podesta's emails was illegal, it's also true that corruption and dishonesty to the American public were exposed.  Schiff raises the fact that the Russians were trying to exert influence upon the Trump campaign covertly and into the presidency of Donald Trump. Schiff is implying criminality on the part of President Trump, to the contrary, that makes President Trump the victim of Russian crimes. Schiff says the Attorney General is not the president's personal lawyer. William Barr's job, as our Attorney General, is…

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Robert Mueller: Hillary’s server was hacked under his watch.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written done by Mark Pullen  We want to thank Mister Mueller for giving us the missing piece to the puzzle. As we were reviewing his report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, we came across this information. Review this page from his report. Now, compare the wording to this page from the FBI's report on Hillary Clinton's email server. We draw your attention to the bottom underlined sentences. Review the underlined sentences. Comey lied to America. Look at the wording. The server was compromised. This is when the…

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