W.H.O. mislead by promoting China’s dictator’s lies.

  Dr.Tedros is responding to the Communist Party of China [CCP] complaint that people are calling the COVID-19 virus the Chinese flu or the Wuhan flu. Those names are accurate.W.H.O. missed the mark by a bit.In the next linked post, W.H.O. reveals they are calling for censorship. The CCP gave its marching orders to W.H.O and W.H.O. complied.When talking about #COVID19, certain words & language may have a negative meaning for people and fuel stigmatizing attitudes https://t.co/yShiCMfYF3 #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/d54qL4LY2H— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) March 2, 2020 "Over 80% of patients have mild #COVID19 & will recover.In about…

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China will virus attack us again!

I, Mark Pullen, Ms. Campbell, and our government benefactor are alarmed at America's myopic views on the mountains of evidence that the Communist Party of China [CCP] did virus attack the United States of America. This nearsightedness ignores the CCP's concealment of the COVID-19 outbreak from the World Health Organization [WHO], our Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], that China sent COVID-19 spreaders to Italy to infect American tourists, and to the United States. We are not advancing the theory that this was a planned attack. It was an attack of opportunity. A Chinese university did conduct…

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Dems; OMG, Trump was right, impeach him!

This pandemic has cemented Donald Trump as a visionary. The President's enemies have labeled him as a xenophobic-racist for promoting secure borders, closing travel to and from China and later Europe. Andrew Cuomo was sobbing on national television that our nation is too dependent on offshore manufacturing for hospital garments, masks, and other items. President Trump as candidate Trump warned of our vulnerability on offshore manufacturing reliance. As president, Trump worked through policies and cajoling of the companies' CEOs to bring back our manufacturing. It's a slow painful process. President Trump was attacked by the Democrats and…

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Horowitz’s review of FBI’s Woods files.

Woods files hold the documented proof of the claims that the FBI presents to the secret United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court[FISC] to obtain surveillance authority upon people. Despite this Court's name, the majority of the warrants issued by this Court are for surveillance on United States citizens. The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has a 98% issue rate for these surveillance warrants. The FBI uses this court to circumvent the rigorous standards of other courts. The FBI has had and still has a climate of acceptable lying to citizens and perjury.I, myself, have been lied to…

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Lance Pearson; A smart, great guy.

Lance and our analyst, Mark Pullen, me, had a disagreement on Jared Kushner. Go @jaredkushner. @POTUS, you did good by us when you drafted Jared for @WhiteHouse duty. pic.twitter.com/C8xezmqe6h— DC Document Reports (@PacificReports) April 3, 2020 Lance replied to the Jared Kushner video post. Jared has been working behind the scenes on many projects at the direction of the President. Criminal imprisonment reform was one of Jared's great successes. I will point out to Lance that Truman was a failure at every business that he started. Moreover, Truman didn't earn a college degree. History judges President Truman as…

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We searched Rob Reiner’s posts for wisdom.

Yes, Rob Reiner is a Meathead, and his posts point toward his mental illness. I'm guessing that Reiner didn't watch Rachel Maddow's show where she exhibited Trump's tax return that had been stolen. That tax return showed Trump paid more than 30 million dollars on his income.Candidate Trump is not an official of our government, thus, he can't violate the 1st amendment rights of these media outlets. Hillary Clinton banned the media from her private events; where was Reiner's outrage for Hillary's media bans?If @realDonaldTrump is so hell bent on making America great, how come he pays 0%…

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President Trump continues to awe me.

President Trump is a better man than me. I marvel at his willingness to work with those who just weeks before sought his destruction. I marvel at his willingness to help New York and California even though they always side against him at the ballot box. I marvel that those who continue to seek his destruction haven't disappeared from the face of the earth.Those same people have called President Trump a power-mad dictator. If I were in President Trump's shoes, I would have risen to their expectations. One way or another, most likely through an Islamic ally,…

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I’m so done with China.

I risk my liberty putting these truths to paper. And I disregard the hazard for it must be done. I shudder to think if our country was locked in a battle with the forces of evil as was the case in WWII and our country was beset upon by this Chinese super-flu. Make no mistake, the government of China committed an act of war upon the United States with their retribution for President Trump's trade tariffs and his negotiation tactics. I am certain that China's government either released this super-flu deliberately or when China's government became aware…

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Why Joe? Why now? Mark Pullen knows!

What I know, even Scott Adams doesn't know. Those two whys have been bounding from one lobe to the other for a week's time in my brain. So far, the Democratic voters have rejected all women, all minorities, and a homosexual as their pick against Trump. It's no surprise that they reject Warren. Warren is an awful person. Warren is known in the biz as a 'loss leader'.Buttigieg was never a serious candidate for consideration. His quoting of scripture rang hollow with the beliefs of people of all faiths. If Buttigieg had been elected, our Islamic allies…

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Biden has disqualified himself from the presidency.

Ms. Campbell and I watched in astonishment as Joe Biden lambasted President Trump over his travel bans to and from Europe and China. Biden told the reporters; Trump’s Wall and his travel bans will not stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Apparently, Biden’s staff is as addled-minded as is Joe. It seems as though Slow Joe is still a proponent of open-borders.President Trump’s orders aren’t intended to halt the spread of the Coronavirus. His orders are intended to slow the spread of this virus in order to give our scientists enough time to develop a vaccine. Hence, the President’s orders are intended to…

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Vladimir Putin killed the myth.

The continuing narrative by the Democrats is Putin elected Trump and Putin will work to reelected Trump. Democrat Representatives Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff are still continuing their push of the myth that Donald Trump is a Russian agent that answers directly to Vladimir Putin. This is astonishing in the light of Robert Mueller's investigation findings over a twenty-two month period of time that was proceeded by a years-long investigation by both the Senate's Intelligence Committee and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Vladimir Putin is actively working to induce a recession in the United States to hurt Donald…

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Schumer is America’s Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar threatened to kill judges as did Chuck Schumer yesterday. Chuck Schumer said, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!  You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”After I posted this article on Twitter, I received this reply from Bill Adkison @bamaredneck: Lincoln didn’t know what hit him. JFK didn’t know what hit him. MLK didn’t know what hit him. Seth Rich didn’t know what hit him. Shall I go on?That threat by Schumer…

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Andy Ostroy: he has the Trump derangement syndrome virus.

Andy Ostroy caught my attention a few weeks ago on Donald Trump's Twitter home page. He has a blue check account that signals his account is verified. That particular post that caught my attention was filled with hatred and curse words. I had found my next subject for research and I had struck paydirt inside of the town called Crazyville.Ostroy makes predictions that 99% of the time that don't come true. I looked through his Twitter account and the web for his content. Ostroy is a movie director and a writer. I found his blog, called, The…

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China’s chemotherapy to subdue the cancerous West?

It is a documented fact that the Communist Party of China views its' people as disposal items. During the Cultural Revolution, Chairman Mao enacted the Great Leap Forward. During this time period of five years, 30 million Chinese people died from starvation and the lack of medical care. All told, historians have estimated 65 million people starved to death or were executed by the Communist Party during the Cultural Revolution. On to my whopper of a theory. China's population dwarfs all countries' populations with the one exception of India's. When a person is diagnosed with cancer and the…

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With the utterance of one word, six became unelectable.

To our astonishment, no one but us caught this admission of these six of having no moral center. The utterance of yes by six of these candidates sealed their doom for the presidency. Senator Warren to the glee and agreement of the other five candidates savaged Michael Bloomberg over accusations of racism and misogyny in this debate and the prior one.At the end of this debate, the candidates were asked; if you don't win the nomination, will you support the candidate on this stage that secures the nomination?  They all answered, yes. That yes made Bloomberg the only electable candidate…

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OMG, where’s your backbone, Mr. Bloomberg?

As America watched Warren savage Bloomberg in the last two debates, our staff at DC Document Reports wondered what threat Bloomberg was under. A threat is the only explanation as Bloomberg must be in the top one percent of intelligence to have acquired the wealth of those at the top .0001%.We were screaming come-back lines to the television as Warren savaged him. Bloomberg must have known all of Warren's lies that make her vulnerable on the debate stage. We believe because Bloomberg didn't defend himself from Warren's attacks, he is unfit to be the president of the…

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Will the real William Barr please step forward.

The picture above is from Barr's confirmation hearing before Senators. Before this hearing took place, I had the chance to read Barr's letter to Rod Rosenstein where Barr describes in constitutional terms the authority and powers of the presidency. I thought President Trump had made a good choice.Barr quoted Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey- "It would be like a Banana Republic putting political opponents in jail for offenses committed in a political setting even if they are criminal offenses, it's something we just don't do here." Barr went on to say that he held the same belief as…

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Does Putin have a mole in the Senate & is that mole, Bernie?

The question before us to consider is; Does Putin have a mole in the Senate and is that mole, Bernie? Let's examine his proposed policies and ask ourselves if that policy weakens the United States while strengthening Russia.Bernie said last month to a cheering crowd that in his first week as president he would imprison all of the U.S. fossil fuel company executives. That sounds like what Joseph Stalin did as the leader of the Soviet Union which is now Russia. Stalin imprisoned people with no due process or had them killed. Bernie didn't cite a crime or…

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Is Schiff in peril from Putin’s assassins?

Adam Schiff has been saying for the last three years that Donald Trump is an asset of Vladimir Putin. In his closing arguments to remove Donald Trump from the White House, Schiff implored the Senators to convict President Trump because Trump might give Alaska to Vladimir Putin. Schiff went on national networks and said he had seen classified documents that proved beyond any doubt that Donald Trump is working for Russia.Let's suppose Schiff is telling the truth and he's correct. That would make Donald Trump the most valuable asset that Russia has ever possessed. We know Vladimir…

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George, never ever contradict Donald.

George Stephanopoulos made a huge mistake when he said, President Trump was wrong in his reading of Mueller's report. George claims he read the report too, but accounting for his small head, I wonder if George has enough intellectual fortitude to hold all the facts that were displayed in that immense report in his diminutive sized brain. George wrongly claims that Mueller didn't address the charge of collusion in his report.I read Mueller's report too. To my delight, Devin Nunes confronted Mueller during his testimony on the question of collusion. The Democrats had been claiming that because…

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The Senate trial was a kangaroo court of absurdity.

Yes, the House managers were correct, this wasn't a trial. The Chief Justice was just a figure-head in this proceeding. This system rewarded liars. When bald-faced lies were told during the proceedings; there wasn't a mechanism for the opposition to call-out the lies as lawyers do in real trials. In a real trial, the lawyers could lodge objections when the opposition told falsehoods or enter evidence that was altered. This system rewards the telling of lies and the introduction of altered evidence because there's no risk of any penalties.I rank myself as an expert on whether President…

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The shoe is on the other foot & it’s glorious!

I watched every minute of the pubic impeachment inquiries. Schiff and Nadler were rude to the minority members of the Republican party. Moreover, Schiff and Nadler violated the parliamentary rules to quash the Republican members' motions in their House of Representatives committees. I watched with glee as Schiff and Nadler clutched their metaphoric pearls and cried how unfair they were being treated in the Republican-majority Senate.Schiff and Senator Chuck Schumer rushed to the media cameras at every opportunity to cry how unfair Mitch McConnell was treating the House managers in this Senate trial of President Trump. During…

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Donald Trump gamed Nancy Pelosi.

President Trump knows he has enemies within the White House and throughout the Executive Branch. Melania has echoed the threats to her husband in the White House. Adam Schiff rightly points out that President Trump made the call to Ukraine the day after Mueller's appearance before the Senate. President Trump knows he has a multitude of people listening on all of his calls to other heads of state. President Trump after two and one-half years of pursuit by Mueller chose to make himself vulnerable once again to the Democrats who have called for his impeachment from day…

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Oh, Comey, you are such a liar.

In the two minute clip below, you will hear Comey break his personal record for the number of lies in two minutes. Donald Trump wasn't under an investigation.The Trump campaign wasn't under an investigation.Four Americans were under an investigation, two of whom were no longer associated with the Trump campaign.Horowitz doesn't conclude that there was intentional misconduct.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMDOrLJtX5A [1.and 2.] James Barker was Comey's right-hand man on the 7th floor of the Hoover building. Baker was Comey's legal counsel. I could show you numerous pages from Horowitz's report to pound home that Comey is lying. I will provide a…

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