Articles of impeachment for Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

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1st article of impeachment of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. did with malice propagate violence across America for political expediency. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. promoted the “very fine people” hoax that ultimately made perceived voters for President Trump targets for violence. This effort by Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. divided the country, set cities on fire, and caused murders and mayhems. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. aligned himself with domestic terrorists, ANTIFA, to suppress political opposition.

On the campaign trail and at the Democrat’s convention, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. repeated his lie of the “very fine people” hoax

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was informed directly many times both on social media and privately that he was telling a lie that was causing murders and mayhems. During the Vice President debate, Mike Pence responded to Kamala Harris’ assertion that President Trump had called neo-Nazis [sic] “very fine people”. Pence told Harris it wasn’t true and he explained how dangerous that lie was to the national security. Both Harris and Biden continued to tell the “very fine people” lie. 

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has a long history of fomenting violence toward political opponents. In the following two video clips, you will hear Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. advocate the use of violence toward those he opposes politically.

Not once has Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. denounced the violence that ANTIFA exacts on his political opponents. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. said ANTIFA was only an idea at the last presidential debate. Even more shocking is the fact that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. did not condemn ANTIFA for linking its domain to his campaign web page and later to the White House web page. See for yourself, type into your web browser. In the following clips, you will see Joe Biden’s thug works.

Joe Biden is fond of saying, “words matter”, Joe Biden knew his words would incite people to even kill in his name. Moreover, Joe Biden fomented racial violence by pitting Blacks against Whites. It isn’t happenstance that Joe Biden said 10 to 15 percent of Americans are “not very good people” to these two influential Black gentlemen. Joe Biden is word playing off the “very fine people” lie. Moreover, that percentage is meant to label the 2016 and future voters for Donald Trump as “not good people” who are worthy of violence. Senators, we show the right video clip to display Joe Biden’s continuing pattern of deception. Note that Joe Biden makes the claim that the NAACP has endorsed him every time he has run for office. Below, we display a statement from the NAACP in which it states that Joe Biden’s claim is not true.

But for Joe Biden’s incendiary rhetoric, this racial violence would not have occurred. Joe Biden literally gave his thugs the license to beat and murder people.

Either Joe Biden is lying or he is grossly uninformed. Our country does not suffer from systemic racism across the board. It’s no wonder that our police officers are being attacked. Joe Biden has labeled all police departments as racist instruments for the suppression of people of color. The most successful people I know personally are people of color. Doctor Ernesto Quinto retired from the army as a colonel. He has a huge practice. I’ve been with him for 29 years. Doctor of Dentistry, Andrea Smith pioneered dental implants. She gave me my smile back. Both doctors are people of color. If systemic racism existed in our education system as Biden says, my doctors would have been turned away from attending their universities. I watched the 2019 West Point graduation. The class president was a Black man. His White peers voted for him. Moreover, the West Point commandant was a general who was a Black man. Not to belabor the point, I attended Jesuit High School’s graduation. Countless people of color had been accepted to Ivy League schools. How does Biden explain these observations?

Citizens with good cause were fearful to post political signs upon their property for fear of vandalism and violence. We have seen grown men assault children all because they wore MAGA hats. Joe Biden yoked himself with terrorists to win the presidency, it’s that simple.

Joe Biden’s words mattered, all of the murders of police officers through 2019 to the present can be laid at the feet of Joe Biden. Joe Biden told his followers the police are the enemy. Joe Biden’s surrogates called the police Stormtroopers which Hitler called his Brownshirts. Nancy Pelosi was one of Joe Biden surrogates who called the police Stormtroopers. Joe Biden didn’t denounce this dangerous rhetoric. Joe Biden loosed his ANTIFA thug army on the nation’s police force with orders that the police are the enemy.

Joe Biden hasn’t repeated HIS “very fine people” lie since he took the oath for the presidency. That is an admission that he knew the “very fine people” hoax was a dangerous lie. Now that he occupies the Oval Office, he doesn’t want strife in the nation’s cities. As for systemic racism and our police hunting people of color as big game, Joe Biden reveals he knew he was telling falsehoods that killed people. If the United States is a bigotry hellscape with police hunting people of color just for sport as Joe Biden insisted through 2019 to 2020, then why is Joe Biden wanting to increase immigration from countries whose citizens are people of color? Senators, the answer is plain as the nose on your faces, Joe Biden was lying. Joe Biden saw that he would have a political advantage if there was strife across the nation.

2nd article of impeachment of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. by his own account entered into a conspiracy to subvert the presidential election process. Thus, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. by his own account, his presidency is illegitimate because he, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., obtained the presidency through fraudulent means. Senators, before we should this damning incontrovertible evidence, we beg your indulgence to show Joe Biden’s low moral character fiber as it is relevant to Joe Biden’s motivation to enter into the egregious conspiracy to fraudulently obtain the presidency. We will show that Joe Biden is a liar and he is a thought thief. We will show his pattern of lying and cheating all through his life to the present. 

Senators, common sense tells you that Joe Biden is lying in this clip. What’s astounding is he uses the sentences, he actually says these things, I’m not being facetious, to sell his lie. Joe Biden knows he is telling a lie. Look at his face when he says the sentence, I’m not being facetious, Joe Biden looks down and away while closing his eyes.

Senators, Joe Biden is the leopard that can’t change its spots. He lied about his college degrees, his scholarship, and his seating in his graduation class. Senators, you know full-well that Joe Biden hasn’t taught constitutional law, let alone for the past twenty-one years. Senators, Joe Biden’s lies matter!

Senators, of course, Joe Biden is not so ignorant that he does not know who invented the light bulb. And his lie is meaningless in the broad view of lies. However, Senators, think about where he is lying and to whom he is lying. Joe Biden is lying on consecrated ground, in church, to people of color. 

We could show many more videos of Joe Biden telling lies at the debate and in his public appearances, Senators, we have established the incontrovertible fact that Joe Biden is a pathological liar as well as a cheat. Senators, Joe Biden has the lowest of the low of moral fiber.

On the left is the quote of what Joe Biden is saying in the video clip. To this date, Joe Biden has NOT clarified this statement that was leaked from a private donor conference video call. What’s more fascinating, the donors didn’t ask Joe Biden to clarify his claim.

Psaki just told us there was a conspiracy to fix the election. It takes time to set the machinery to fix an election. An axiom in interrogations is you keep the subject talking. If the subject talks, the subject will eventually reveal the truth.

Federal law requires that the election official keep records of the election process.

We get a glimpse into the inner workings of the Biden election machinery. Racquel Rodriguez has been indicted by the Justice Department.

Mister Adams tells all you need to know about how Joe Biden was elected.

Senators, we have proved without a doubt that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is guilty of inciting violence for political gain as set forth in article one. Senators, a two-thirds guilty verdict in itself will remove Joe Biden from the office of the presidency on article one. However, we invite this body to ask Joe Biden to testify to his statement in article two before this body votes on either article. 

Counsel rest, respectfully, Mark Pullen, Sammy Campbell.