An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

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Alejandro Mayorkas has crossed my red line. Mayorkas when asked who bears the responsibility for the rape and murder of the mother of five, Rachel Morin, Mayorkas answered, Victor Martinez Hernandez is solely responsible for this murder. Mayorkas absolved himself and everyone in the government of any responsibility for the murders committed by male illegal immigrants. In El Salvador, Hernandez is accused of murdering a woman, and in California, Hernandez is accused of assaulting a female child. Hernandez has reportedly been living illegally in the United States since February of 2023.

How does the government know how long Hernandez has been living among us and not know that Hernandez is sought in El Salvador for the murder of a woman? The DNA was a match for Hernandez which spurred a nationwide manhunt for him. How is it that the government had Hernandez’s DNA sample on file, but was unaware of Hernandez’s past murderous conduct?

I have been tracking these crimes committed by illegal male aliens. It averages out to be two heinous crimes every eighteen days. I am wondering if Hernandez was given a monthly debit card by the Biden administration. That would explain how the government knows how long Hernandez has been in the United States and how the government has a record of Hernandez’s DNA.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is the only way to make an example of those government officials who perpetuated these heinous events that were totally avoidable by enforcing our immigration laws. Only by enacting Old Testament principles on those government officials responsible for our open borders will future government officials be persuaded to uphold our nation’s laws that keep the citizens safe from foreign monsters.

I admit, that I don’t have the mettle if I had the influence and power to give the orders to balance the scales on the Old Testament principles. Perhaps, someone with the necessary influence and power will seek to enact the Old Testament principles after reading this essay.

My Editor asked me to spell out what Old Testament justice means, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Hypothetically, say a president facilitated the murders of women and children by telling his man in charge of the nation’s borders to not enforce immigration laws to even admit murderers into the nation. By the standard of, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, the president’s wife and any children would pay the price for the president’s sins and the president would be forced to witness the punishment.