Only a Dictator can retire our $35 trillion debt.

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We are fast approaching 35 trillion dollars of national debt. By 2o30, it will exceed 50 trillion dollars. Right now, for every second, we accrue $100,000. The compound interest on the debt by 2030 will accrue at $200,000+ for every second of the year. During the time of the Roman Empire, in an emergency, a senator was granted absolute power of a Dictator for a defined amount of time. If the senator abused the powers bestowed upon him, the senator would be judged accordingly after the Dictator’s powers expired.

Looking back it is self-evident that it doesn’t matter which party controls either House in Congress. It is Congress who controls the power of the purse. After Social Security and Medicare, all spending is borrowed money. Every paycheck in the federal government is borrowed money. It would take the temporary [ 20-3o years ] power of a Dictator to overcome the national debt crisis. The entire civilian payroll minus postal workers is around $271 billion. The entire military budget minus black operations is about $900 billion. Social Security and Medicare are about $4 trillion. Federal tax income plus tariffs is about $5.4 trillion. The federal budget deficit is $2 trillion. The GDP to federal debt ratio is 122.43%.

As Dictator, I would disband the Air Force, the Army, and the Space Force. The Navy has the biggest hammers of the services. The Marines handle most of the combat situations. I would upgrade the Marines’ equipment and slightly expand their ranks. This would reduce the military spending to about $404.7 billion. My military doctrine would be no wars and no aid to NATO. NATO has sponged off the United States from its inception. I would honor our commitment to NATO if one member was attacked only if the NATO members paid our combat costs at 200%. An aircraft carrier group can destroy most countries. The United States has eleven aircraft Carrier groups. But what is unseen is what the Navy has is the most lethal, the Navy’s nuclear submarines.

As Dictator, I have no need of Congress and its costs, Congress is thereby by decree disbanded. I would lay off two-thirds of the civilian employees in the federal government over three years in a predictable drawdown. I would have to raise the retirement age for Social Security to sixty-seven.

About illegal immigration: A country shall pay the United States five million dollars in gold for each of its citizens who cross our borders illegally. If no payment is received, an aircraft Carrier group shall be dispatched to the country’s shores to Inflict one billion dollars worth of damage per illegal crossing.

As America’s Dictator, I will reduce income and corporate taxes by sixty percent over six years. All imported items shall be subject to tariffs at the discretion of America’s Dictator. And, absolutely no handouts to any nation.

All drug dealers shall be executed. The United States shall destroy the capital city of any country that sends illegal drugs across America’s borders or pay the United States five hundred billion dollars in gold for each violation. Saudi Arabia owes the United States for the 9/11 attack by its citizens. America’s Dictator would demand $700 billion in gold from the Kingdom or all of the Kingdom’s 13 desalination water plants will be destroyed at the order of America’s Dictator. My ultimate goal for America’s dollars after the debt is retired is to revalue the dollar to gold by increasing America’s gold holdings. The currency M1 index would be returned to 1945 levels. Fewer dollars in circulation but worth as much in 1945.

My policies would pay down the national debt in sixty years.