Joe’s case against Donald.

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My past counsel to Donald J Trump; I told him to resign the last days of his presidency to receive a blanket pardon from President Pence as President Ford did for Nixon. I knew with absolute certainty that the Democrats would never leave Trump in peace. When the news broke that Grand Juries were held to indict him, I said, flee to either Israel or Saudi Arabia.

During the counting of the votes in Pittsburgh, the election officials banished all observers from the tabulation process. A court ruled the observers must be let back into the tabulation building. The election officials did not comply with the court’s ruling. I told then-President Trump to send the United States Marshals to enforce the court’s ruling. This counsel might have preserved his presidency if he had heeded it.

I told then-President Trump to send in the Army to restore order in Chicago, Seattle, and other cities that were being burned to the ground and looted. I told then-President Trump that if restoring order to America’s cities did cost him reelection, then America didn’t deserve him as its president. Donald J Trump did say he regretted not sending the military to stop the rioting in the cities across the country.

In 2019, I floated the idea to then-President Trump to form a secret society within the government to disappear the Deep-State members and to infiltrate the election officials’ ranks to administrate immediate justice upon those who would tamper with the vote tabulation process. Peter Strzok and Lise Page mention the secret society within the FBI in their text messages.

Apparently, the FBI’s seventh floor had an assassination plan for President Trump in 2017. James Comey’s right-hand man, James Baker, was giving his testimony about the FISA application he had a hand in to spy on then-candidate Trump and anyone affiliated with the campaign including those persons who have been contacted irregardless of the nature of the contact. Comey’s agents did break into Carter Page’s office and apartment. Back to Baker, Mark Meadows asked Baker if there was a plan in place at the Hoover Building to remove Trump from the presidency. As soon as Meadows finished his question, the Department of Justice lawyer at Baker’s side said, “Do not answer the question.”

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were documenting the locations of Trump voters by photographing the homes with Trump signs in 2016 as shown in a text message. How many other FBI agents were doing that in 2016? What happened to those people that the agents targeted for voting for Donald J Trump?

Bill O’Reilly and others predicted a hung jury in the Trump Hush-Money trial. There wasn’t a chance in hell for a hung jury because of threats against the jurists and their family members. The Republican pundits are predicting no incarceration for Donald J Trump. Truly, I expected the judge to remand Donald J Trump into custody pending sentencing. I believe there is incarceration in Trump’s future. I believe Joe Biden will soon revoke Trump’s Secret Service protection because of this conviction. The Republicans are to the Democrats as to the Washington Generals are to the Harlem Globetrotters. I am expecting the Republicans will replace Trump at the convention.

The jurists convicted Trump on their ability to time travel back to 2015 to mindread Trump’s state of mind. In the judge’s instructions, there was no defined specific crime that Trump committed! The judge listed “possible” crimes that Trump “may” have committed.The judge also said that jurists didn’t have to agree unanimously on what “possible” crime Trump committed in 2015. Even more Orwellian, in the instructions it told the jurists, they could convict on their beliefs that Trump intended to cover up an undiscovered crime.

The jurists weren’t compelled to list the crimes they convicted Trump for because of this instruction. The government said in its closing argument that the amount Trump paid to Daniels was in violation of campaign finance law. That’s not true! A candidate may give any amount to their campaign, there is no limit of money that a candidate can fund their efforts towards being elected.

So, what was Trump convicted for, you might be wondering? Trump was convicted on time-traveling mindreading by the jurists. Each of the 34 checks that Trump reimbursed his lawyer for was a felony charge. The alleged bookkeeping error was a minor misdemeanor that the statute of limitations had runout years ago. However, the jurists’ unique abilities for time traveling back to 2015 to read Trump’s most inner thoughts elevated these 34 payments from minor misdemeanors whose expiration date had long since passed to 34 felony counts.

Alan Dershowitz, a lifelong Democrat and a constitutional scholar, said, “This trial was rigged for a conviction.” It is essential to our justice system that judges remain impartial in the courtroom, otherwise, the people will seek other means for their justice. The Democrats showed their blueprint for political violence in 2020. It would not just to copy the Democrats’ blueprint of violence. In my opinion, it would be just to conduct covert targeted retribution on bad political actors.

Even if the Republicans don’t replace Trump at the convention, there is only a slight chance the election will be on the Up and Up. When the Democrats labeled Trump as the second coming of Hitler who is a threat to America’s democracy, that is a signal to the election officials to repeat what they did in 2020. There is only one way to stop the Democrats. Some of them must be disappeared. “After seeing how the Democrats rigged this trial, you may assume the 2020 election was rigged.”-Scott Adams