I was right about Gaza in 2005.

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Historians have been wrong about why President Truman dropped two nuclear weapons on Japan’s cities. There were three factors but two of the factors were the major reasons why Truman nuked Japan. Truman didn’t reveal the two true reasons in his lifetime but it is evident in the actions of President Bush after 9/11.

The two overriding reasons why Truman nuked Japan were the 100 times fold payback for Japan’s sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and a message to any other countries that the United States would not suffer in silence any attacks upon its soil. After the 9/11 attacks, Presidents, Bush, Obama, and Trump killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims in retribution for the 9/11 sneak attack by Islam. I wrote to President Bush that after 9/11 that Saudi Arabia must be wiped from existence because it is responsible for the actions of its citizens. In this letter, I authored the doctrine of torture that was modified into “enhanced interrogation”. I wrote the constitution did not forbid torture because this torture was not a means of punishment, but a means of extracting vital information under extraordinary circumstances to prevent future attacks upon American soil.

If Biden wasn’t weak in his mettle, he would have reacted with overwhelming fury to Hamas’ October attack on Israel where Americans were also killed and taken hostage. As I have written before: A President Pullen would have told Israel to step aside for the fury of the United States’ mighty retribution. I would have ordered the carpet bombing of Gaza City first, and then, the entire Gaza Strip. Sure, this fury would have killed Israelis and Americans alike but the message must be sent that there is only misery and death to come after a sneak attack upon an American ally and there is no benefit whatsoever in the taking of Americans as human shields. Yes, I would have killed millions of Palestinians for Hamas’ attack atrocities. Citizens are accountable for their government’s actions. The Palestinians elected Hamas as their governing body of Gaza.

We all saw the cheering of the Palestinians for the returning attackers. We all saw the cheering of the Palestinians for the Israeli women who had been raped repeatedly so that their pants were blood-soaked. We all saw Palestinian children beating Israeli children with sticks while the Israeli children cried in their misery from the cruelty wrought upon them by the Palestinian children. Therefore, I would have had no guilt whatsoever in ordering the killing of the so-called innocent men, women, and children of Gaza. If my orders were not carried out, I would have fired the military officers until I found those willing to follow my Presidential orders as the Commander-in-Chief of the military. If I had been the Prime Minister of Israel in 2005, this Hamas attack in 2024 would have never occurred because I would have dealt a death blow to the Palestinians for their terrorism in 2005 despite America’s calls for restraint. My closing thoughts on warfare. Never go to war on anything less than a “Total War” posture. War must have starvation, death, and misery so it will be avoided at all costs by those nations who would attack their neighbors. 

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.