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The easiest definition of "Reciprocity" to understand is, "Do unto others as they have done unto you." If a person opens their home unto, you are obligated to return that good deed in kind under the principle of reciprocity. It is my belief that a person should do more for others as they have done unto you. Reciprocity means to mirror the treatment rendered to you. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States applied the principle of reciprocity toward Japan's actions on December 7th, 1941. It wasn't an act of revenge per se when the United…

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My mix bag of opinions.

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President Trump uses President Jimmy Carter as his personal whipping boy. I truly believe America has the right Presidents for certain circumstances. I saw the Soviets hoodwink President Carter several times. To prevent a famine in the Soviet Union, President Carter agreed to give the Soviets metric tons of wheat on credit. The Soviets never made good on the debt to our farmers. The taxpayers were feeding the citizens of the Soviet Union even though we were in a Cold War with the Soviets. It might be that President Carter prevented a third World War by giving…

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My Bodyguard was my Baby Girl

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  • Post category:Adventure

I got hooked on having a four-leg bodyguard at the Sacramento Sheriff's Reserve Academy. A Canine officer brought his 100-pound German Shepherd, named Thor, to visit. Thor had been trained to track, detect drugs, and catch criminals. In 1984, Thor was a $10,000 dog. Thor had been imported from Germany. I volunteered to be Thor's target. I had been loving him up for a few minutes just before the officer gave the alert command. Thor jumped on his rear legs bark begging to tear me apart. Afterward, Thor was again fine with me petting him. I would…

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