After dark emails

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Aug 18, 2:31 AM: I was daydreaming about how happy I'll be when kooky comrade Kamala is elected as America's stupidest president. Half of the country will be voting on Kamala's skin color. That alone is the justifiable reason for me to want to have America destroyed.In 2007, I joked that I was voting for Barack's white half. Clearly, Barack was the better candidate than McCain. McCain's mental acuity was on its last legs. I don't vote on party lines or on the candidate's skin color. As a practicer of the dark arts, I forsee Pennsylvanian election corruption being…

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My tribute to Anubis.

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Anubis lived 18 years and two days. His mistress, my wife, took him to the veterinarian for a well check. Anubis was having a hard time standing and walking. Just six months ago, Anubis attacked his mistress for his daily morning chicken. By attacking, I mean he was grabby. Gradually, Anubis became unstable on his feet. In his last month, we raised his water bowl twice. Despite all of his difficulties, soon after his mistress's daily departure for the gym and errands, Anubis stood watch at the garage door peering through his doggie door waiting for her…

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Whatever happened to America’s mettle?

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In the '60s, in elementary school, when a person said a hateful thing, the common retort was; "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!" But now in 2024, colleges across America are providing so-called safe places where students can go to protect themselves from having their feelings hurt. In 2024, words and even silence are viewed as violence on College campuses across America.Even worse, some of these safe places are segregated according to the pigment of the student's skin color. What's next...segregated water fountains as found in the Jim Crow Southern…

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Conspiracy? I have seen enough!

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The question is if there was a conspiracy to assassinate Donald J Trump. All of the oversights by the Secret Service to the public do point toward an assassination plan by the Deep State that is ruled by the Democrats. But on the other hand, I have seen investigations into why an aircraft crashed. In many cases, the investigation uncovers a chain of events that occurred that were present during previous flights which didn't result in an incident.However, when a new unexpected variable is introduced, the aircraft's crew is unable to manage the new variable which causes…

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