Mark writes 3 am emails.

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7/27/2024Firstly, I neglected to tell you all something interesting about my time at the Sheriff's firing range. The range instructor was about six feet tall, an Irish man. He had the largest hands I've seen on a person of his size. His hands were much larger than mine. He looked like an alcoholic. His nose was enlarged with oversized blood vessels. This firearm instructor's hands had what appeared to be DT tremors. I thought, "With those shakes, he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn." I was so wrong! After he inspected our revolvers, he demonstrated how…

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Only a Dictator can retire our $35 trillion debt.

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We are fast approaching 35 trillion dollars of national debt. By 2o30, it will exceed 50 trillion dollars. Right now, for every second, we accrue $100,000. The compound interest on the debt by 2030 will accrue at $200,000+ for every second of the year. During the time of the Roman Empire, in an emergency, a senator was granted absolute power of a Dictator for a defined amount of time. If the senator abused the powers bestowed upon him, the senator would be judged accordingly after the Dictator's powers expired.Looking back it is self-evident that it doesn't matter…

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Hold them accountable!

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I don't understand how James Comey, those 51 former intelligence officials, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe can move about American society freely with no worries for their safety. James Clapper lied before Congress saying our NSA did not collect any information on American citizens. That perjury of James Clapper triggered Edward Snowden's revelation that our government was unlawfully spying on its citizens by warrantless surveillance. James Clapper and James Comey launched the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. James Comey lied under oath before Congress several times to protect Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan, and Hillary Clinton. Comey testified that no…

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I interpret Joe Biden’s quotes.

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It might be that Joe Biden, a mortal, was picked by celestial beings to join their ranks. We might be witnessing his transformation into a celestial being. If Joe Biden was daft mentally, surely, Joe Biden wouldn't have earned 81 million votes, 20 million more votes more than Barack Hussain Obama who was the most popular president that even the press fawned over.The only other alternative theory is the 2020 election was rigged. Every person in authority in our government says the 2020 election was the most secure election in our country's history. And surely, no one…

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