It’s confirmed! 2020 was rigged!

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In 2020, I cited these election occurrences. At 10 pm PST, all of the swing states stopped the vote counting. President Trump was in an insurmountable lead. Never before in my recollection has the vote counting been suspended. In the past, it was standard operation procedure to have shifts to count the election votes. After a pause of nearly six hours, President Trump's insurmountable lead was reduced to a thin lead. What happened during those down hours in the swing states? Why was it that no pause occurred each evening thereafter as the swing states counted the…

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An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

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Alejandro Mayorkas has crossed my red line. Mayorkas when asked who bears the responsibility for the rape and murder of the mother of five, Rachel Morin, Mayorkas answered, Victor Martinez Hernandez is solely responsible for this murder. Mayorkas absolved himself and everyone in the government of any responsibility for the murders committed by male illegal immigrants. In El Salvador, Hernandez is accused of murdering a woman, and in California, Hernandez is accused of assaulting a female child. Hernandez has reportedly been living illegally in the United States since February of 2023.How does the government know how long…

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News and Mark’s insights.

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A video surfaced on X showing Nancy Pelosi in distress in her own words, "I am responsible for security at the Capitol. I should have had the Nation Guard there." Pelosi was so upset at her loss of face. Apparently, General Milley advised Pelosi to not take the soldiers that President Trump offered because Milley believed the soldiers would side with President Trump to stop the process of counting the electors. I asked Gemini to give me the biography of General Milley. I then asked if Milley had led soldiers in combat under fire. Gemini said Milley…

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Gaza & Ukraine needs America’s chicks with dicks!

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In a speech, Joe Biden declared that America's core strength is its diversity. So far, I was all in, however, Crazy-Jim-Crow-Joe finished his sentence by saying the LBGQT+ Community is part of America's core strength that makes our nation the greatest to live in. Who am I to dispute Crazy-Jim-Crow-Joe's presidential decree? After all, Crazy-Jim-Crow-Joe must know truths that are obscured from a lowly person such as me. Crazy-Jim-Crow-Joe promoted a chick with a dick to the flag rank of Admiral, pictured above. America's Navy applauded this promotion. Crazy-Jim-Crow-Joe has other chicks with dicks in key positions…

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Joe’s case against Donald.

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My past counsel to Donald J Trump; I told him to resign the last days of his presidency to receive a blanket pardon from President Pence as President Ford did for Nixon. I knew with absolute certainty that the Democrats would never leave Trump in peace. When the news broke that Grand Juries were held to indict him, I said, flee to either Israel or Saudi Arabia.During the counting of the votes in Pittsburgh, the election officials banished all observers from the tabulation process. A court ruled the observers must be let back into the tabulation building.…

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