“Trump is even more dangerous than Hitler.”-Claire McCaskill

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Last week, Congressman Dan Goldman listed the reasons why Donald Trump is an enemy of the people and our democracy. Goldman finished by declaring; "he has to be eliminated." I wrote Goldman a few days after he said, "he has to be eliminated" on X. Goldman painted himself into the proverbial corner when he said using "eliminated" was a mistake. I told Goldman if you believed you were telling the truth to the American people, then you should have doubled down and said, "When I said, he has to be eliminated, I meant it, kill him.I fully…

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Breaking news in politics.

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As expected, the Democrats are renewing their trope of, "Donald Trump is Hitler." This trope gives license to election fraud and assassination plots on Donald Trump. Yesterday, Representative Dan Goldman called openly on MSNBC for the assassination of Donald Trump. Goldman said after listing how dangerous Trump is to our democracy, "He has to be eliminated." The tests are, if you mailed a letter to Goldman with that wording about Goldman, you at the least would receive a visit from the FBI. Likely, you would be arrested and charged for making a death threat against a government…

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Mark’s political updates.

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Joe Biden still hasn't delivered on his following 2020 campaign promises; 1. If you elect me as your president, I will see a cure to all forms of cancer. 2. I will be a healing president for what happened during Trump's presidency. I don't think we can take much more of Biden's "healing". 3. "I promise you, I promise you, I will end fossil fuels." 4. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden in 2020 promised African Americans reparations if they were elected. Neither of them has mentioned reparations since being elected. 5. Biden promised the voters citizenship to…

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Mark reports the news with his opinions.

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The United Nations on Lesbian Day told the masses that a lesbian can have either vagina or penis. Throughout Biden's occupation of the White House, Biden has given Hamas your tax dollars which totals 2.7 billion dollars. So, Biden has, against your will, made you fund the beheading of babies, the raping of women, the mass murdering of adults, the taking of hostages, and the torturing of people of all ages. Biden has asked for 200 million dollars for Hamas humanitarian aid. I say Hamas because Hamas always steals the aid given to the people in Gaza.…

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