Treasonous presidential candidates

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.

A shelter isn’t sheltering from the elements without a barrier of some kind, whether it be plastic, canvas, or earth. Likewise, a home can’t stand without walls. The candidates shown, have called for the crossing of our nation’s borders at any place, without any restrictions. They said on day one of their presidency, there would be an executive proclamation to accomplish this act. 

I used proclamation instead of order because Congress makes the laws that the President is charged by the constitution to enforce. These candidates are wouldbe tyrants. Congress enacts the will of the people by making laws. These candidates said they would abolish any criminally from the crossing of our nation’s borders when that crossing is done not at a port of entry and without the permission of a government official. 

That raises some interest points. There would be no point in the continuation of our port of entry facilities or to continue the employment of Customs, Border Protection, or ICE, agents. Customs and Border Protection agents also prevent the entry of contraband. If anyone can cross the border anywhere, then that’s a green light to the drug cartels worldwide. If that is the case, then how does California justify having the port of entries to prevent people from bringing fruit into the state from other states? 

These traitors purposed actions aren’t surprising, Joe Biden has said, “I consider undocumented immigrants to be citizens already.” So people who are citizens of another country that haven’t taken the oath to abide by our laws and defend the constitution are citizens already? It gets even worse, Biden and the whole contingent of presidential hopefuls are pledging to give free healthcare to anyone who has crossed the border. That is a mandate to provide healthcare for the world’s 7.7 billion people. 

In closing, a country without borders is to a house without walls, neither can exist.