Cory Booker: The dumbest man ever to run for the presidency.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen

I first became aware of Senator Booker when I watched the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. Senator Booker said he believed Christine Blasey Ford’s account of sexual assault by 17-year-old Kavanaugh with no supporting evidence, no police report, and the four people cited as being in the house saying they had no memory of the party.

Christine Blasey Ford was vague as to when it occurred and where it occurred. I believe that was by design so Kavanaugh couldn’t refute Christine Blasey Ford’s claim.

Upon intense questioning by a prosecutor, Christine Blasey Ford finally settled on the year that the alleged assault occurred and the season which was the summer break.

On the second day, Judge Kavanaugh gave his testimony. Kavanaugh had done as his father did, Kavanaugh kept daily events on monthly calendars all through his high school years. The calendar showed Kavanaugh was away at a sporting camp when and if the sexual assault occurred.

Senator Booker, having heard all of this testimony, held or joined press conferences and proclaimed, “I believe her!” Even more astounding, when a woman alleged that Kavanaugh had participated in the drugging and gang raping of college women.

Senator Booker said, “I believe her too.” Police reports and pregnancies would have been generated from such repeated activities.

To quote a Congresswoman, “It’s all about the Benjamins.” Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyers did set up a Go-Fund-Me account for Christine Blasey Ford, in that way the Democrats were able to funnel a million plus dollars to Christine Blasey Ford by using strawman accounts.

In this video, we see Senator Booker make a fool of himself which generated memes as shown below. Note, the document(s) he refers to had been released to the public already.

Senator Booker has this post active even though Smollett has been indicted for making up the attack. Where is Senator Booker’s outrage over Smollett’s attempt to damage race relations?

Here we see that Senator Booker has no idea how the military works or what is the mission of our military. Simply put, our military’s mission is to kill people and break things. The word, hero, is an overused word by many but Senator Booker should know better. There is the theory of, “Tail to tooth ratio.” It states that every part of the wolf is in support of the teeth. Our combat soldiers and airmen are supported by a ratio of 33 to 1. In the case of carrier pilots, it is as high as 700 to 1. We thank the cooks, clerks, and logistics service persons for their service that allows the combat servicemen to conduct their operations, but they are not heroes. Most combat servicemen shy away from the label of hero. Senator Booker is diluting the meaning of hero by applying it in a casual way in his post.

More idiocy by Senator Booker in the post below. Dreamers are not lawful immigrants. The Dreamers have nothing to do with the effort to keep the American dream alive. The Dreamers should hold their parents accountable for their unsure future. What has Senator Booker done to keep the American dream alive?

While I agree that our citizens should not be used as pawns by either party, using the Dreamers who are here illegally are fair game to be used as pawns, in my opinion. If the Dreamers object to being used as pawns, they are free to return to their counties where they hold their citizenship. The Democrats don’t care about the Dreamers because they have turned down every effort to negotiate for their continuing stay in our country.

Senator Booker is being dishonest in combining these two issues in one post. The governor of Puerto Rico said the President had responded with help that was needed, but it was a logistic issue of the Puerto Rico government to apply the supplies to the needed areas.

View the following videos and see Senator Booker is lying about there not being a crisis or he is once again displaying his stupidity.

Let me take the time to directly ask Senator Booker a question. Senator Booker, what number of citizens deaths or murders from illegal border crossings is acceptable to you?

Senator Booker has a Top Secret clearance, hence, he had access to the FBI’s report on Hillary Clinton well before we did. The report proved FBI Director James Comey lied during his exoneration presser for Hillary Clinton. See our article, Unequal application of justice to cover a multitude of crimes. All the documentation in FBI report pages is at the end of the article. Senator Booker is not fit to be president because he campaigned for a criminal to be our president.

I am at a loss, is Senator Booker this stupid? We do not separate children from their parents at the border. However, we do separate children from their accompanying adults when the adults commit a crime by crossing the border illegally. This action is no different than when an adult commits a crime in Chicago and local law enforcement imprisons the adult until a trial can be held. In many cases, the adult is a single parent, thus, the child is taken into foster care. A reporter should ask Senator Booker how the two situations are different?

A big revelation to Senator Booker. Truly, he is too stupid to be our president.